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《新耶路撒冷及其属天的教义》 第125节






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The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Teachings (New Century Edition 2020) 125

125. Outward holiness is similar to the pious behavior just described (it consists primarily in seeing all worship of God as a matter of the sanctity we experience when we are in church); 1but this is not holy for us unless we are holy inwardly. This is because our inner nature determines our outer nature-the latter comes from the former the way our actions come from our spirit. This means that outward holiness apart from inner holiness is earthly and not spiritual, which is why it can be found just as readily in evil people as in good people. Furthermore, people whose worship is nothing but external are for the most part empty; that is, they have no knowledge of what is good or true, even though goodness and truth are holiness itself. Goodness and truth are what we are to know and believe and love because they come from the Divine and there is therefore something divine within them. To be inwardly holy, then, is to love what is good and true because it is good and true and to love what is right and honest because it is right and honest. The more we love these things for their own sakes, the more spiritual we become. Our devotion to God becomes more spiritual, too, because we become more and more eager to know what is good and what is true and to put them into practice. On the other hand, as our love for these things diminishes, we become more earthly, our devotion to God becomes more earthly, and we become less and less interested in knowing and doing these things.

We could compare outward worship apart from inner worship to having living breath without having a living heart, while outward worship prompted by inner worship is like living breath that is joined to a living heart.


1. The phrase in parentheses is missing from the first edition but has been supplied on the basis of an errata list sent from Swedenborg to his printer. See Acton 1948-1955, 523-526, for this list and a summary of the printer's attempts to furnish it to readers. [GFD, SS]

The Heavenly City (Woofenden translation 1993) 125

125. Outward holiness is similar to religious devotion. It especially means believing that divine worship is just being holy when we are in church. However, this worship is not holy for us unless our deeper self is holy too. Whatever we are like inwardly, that is what we are like outwardly as well, since our outward self comes from our inward self just as our actions come from our spirit. So outward holiness without inward holiness is materialistic, not spiritual.

Harmful people can be just as outwardly holy as good people. When we think that is all there is to worship, we are usually empty — that is, we have no concept of what is good and true. Yet goodness and truth are actually the holy things we should know, believe, and love, because they are from the divine, and so the divine is in them.

Being inwardly holy is loving goodness and truth because they are good and true, and loving fairness and honesty because they are honest and fair. The more we love these qualities, the more we are spiritual and our worship holy, since we want to know and act on them. But the less we love these qualities, the more both we and our worship are materialistic, and the less we want to know and act on them.

Outward holiness without inward holiness is like the life force of our breathing without the life force of our heart. But outward holiness that comes from inward holiness is like the life force of our breathing combined with the life force of our heart.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Chadwick translation 1990) 125

125. A holy external is like this kind of piety, and consists especially in a person regarding the whole of Divine worship as consisting in holy behaviour when he attends churches. But there is no holiness on a person's part in this, unless his internal is holy. For a person's external is such as his internal is, since the external proceeds from the internal like action from his spirit. So a holy external without a holy internal is natural and not spiritual. It is therefore possible for the evil to exhibit it equally with the good; and those who make it the whole of their worship are for the most part empty, devoid, that is, of any kind of knowledge of good and truth. Yet the various kinds of good and truth are the really holy things, which ought to be known, believed and loved, because they are from the Deity and have divinity in them.

Internal holiness is loving good and truth for their own sakes, and justice and honesty for their own sakes. The more a person so loves these, the more spiritual he is, and so is his worship, for he wishes the more to know them and do them. The less a person so loves them, the more natural he is, and so is his worship, and the less he wishes to know them and do them. External worship without internal can be compared with living by breathing without the heart beating, but external worship which comes from the internal can be compared with living by breathing combined with the heart beating.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Tafel translation 1911) 125

125. Outward holiness is like such piety; but it is not holy with a man, unless his Internal is holy; for the quality of a man's External is according to the quality of his Internal, because the former proceeds from the latter, as an action proceeds from its spirit: outward holiness, therefore, apart from inward holiness, is natural, and not spiritual. For this reason it is that such holiness exists among the wicked just as much as among the good; and that those who place in it the whole of worship, are, for the most part, empty, that is, destitute of the knowledges of good and truth; when yet goods and truths are the very holy things which ought to be known, believed, and loved, because they are from the Divine, and because the Divine is thus within them. Inward holiness, therefore, consists in loving good and truth, because they are good and true, and in loving what is just and sincere, because it is just and sincere. So far as a man loves these in such a manner, so far he himself and his worship are spiritual; because so far he wills to know and to do them: but so far as he does not love them in such a manner, he as well as his worship are natural; and so far he does not will to know and to do them. External worship apart from internal worship may be compared to the life of respiration apart from the life of the heart; but external worship which flows from internal worship may be compared to the life of respiration which is conjoined with the life of the heart.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Whitehead translation 1892) 125

125. External sanctity is like such piety, and especially 1consists in this, that man places all Divine worship in sanctity when he is in temples; but this is not holy with man unless his internal be holy; for such as man is as to his internal, such he also is as to his external, for this proceeds from the former as action does from its spirit; wherefore external sanctity without internal sanctity is natural and not spiritual. Hence it is that external sanctity is given with the evil as well as with the good; and they who place the whole of worship therein are for the most part empty; that is, without the knowledges of good and truth. And yet goods and truths are the real sanctities which are to be known, believed and loved, because they are from the Divine, and thus the Divine is in them. Internal sanctity, therefore, consists in loving good and truth for the sake of good and truth, and justice and sincerity for the sake of justice and sincerity. So far also as man thus loves them, so far he is spiritual, and also his worship, for so far also he is willing to know them and to do them; but so far as man does not thus love them, so far he is natural, and his worship also, and so far also he is not willing to know them and do them. External worship without internal may be compared with the life of the respiration without the life of the heart; but external worship from internal may be compared with the life of the respiration conjoined to the life of the heart.


1. In the original edition the following words were omitted by the printer, which Swedenborg afterward in a letter supplied to the publisher, "et praecipue consistit in eo, quod homo ponat omnem cultum Divinum in sancto cum est in templis;" and especially consist in this, that man places all Divine worship in sanctity when he is in temples.

De Nova Hierosolyma et ejus Doctrina Caelesti 125 (original Latin 1758)

125. Sanctum externum est simile pio tali, 1et praecipue consistit in eo, quod homo ponat omnem cultum Divinum in sancto cum est in templis; sed hoc apud hominem non sanctum est, nisi internum ejus sanctum sit, nam qualis homo quoad internum suum est, talis est quoad externum, hoc enim procedit ab illo sicut actio a suo spiritu; quare sanctum externum absque sancto interno est naturale et non spirituale. Inde est quod detur aeque apud malos ac apud bonos; et illi qui in eo omnem cultum ponunt, sunt utplurimum vacui, hoc est, absque cognitionibus boni et veri, et tamen bona et vera sunt ipsa sancta, quae scienda, credenda, et amanda, quia sunt a Divino, et sic Divinum in illis. Sanctum itaque internum est amare bonum et verum propter bonum et verum, ac justum et sincerum propter justum et sincerum; quantum homo haec ita amat, tantum est spiritualis, et quoque ejus cultus, nam tantum etiam vult scire illa et facere illa; at quantum homo illa non ita amat, tantum est naturalis, et quoque ejus cultus, et quoque tantum non vult scire illa et facere illa. Comparari potest cultus externus absque interno cum vita respirationis absque vita cordis, at cultus externus ex interno cum vita respirationis conjuncta vitae cordis.


1. "et praecipue consistit in eo, quod homo ponat omnem cultum Divinum in sancto cum est in templis":--haec verba, vitio typothetea, editioni principi desunt. Videatur Praefatiuncula Editoris.

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