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《新耶路撒冷及其属天的教义》 第137节





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The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Teachings (New Century Edition 2020) 137

137. On this basis we can tell what people who have no conscience are like; we can identify them because they are the opposite. For example, if for the sake of profit they make something that is wrong look right or something that is evil seem good (or the reverse), they are people who have no conscience. They do not even know what conscience is, and if someone tells them what it is they do not believe it and some of them have no interest whatever in learning more.

That is what people are like who do everything for worldly and selfish reasons.

The Heavenly City (Woofenden translation 1993) 137

137. From these examples we can see what it is like not to have a conscience: it is just the opposite of what it is like to have a conscience.

For example, if you would make things that are unfair and wrong appear to be fair and right in order to make money, and if you would also make what actually is fair and right appear to be unfair and wrong, you do not have a conscience. You do not even know what conscience is. If someone explained to you what it is, you would not believe it, or even want to know.

This is what we are like when everything we do is for the sake of ourselves and material things.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Chadwick translation 1990) 137

137. From these examples it is possible to deduce what those who have no conscience are like; they can be recognised by opposites. So those who for some gain or other make injustice look like justice, or evil look like good, or vice versa, are without conscience. They do not even know what conscience is. If they are told this, they do not believe it, and in some cases do not want to know. Such are those who do everything for themselves or for the world's sake.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Tafel translation 1911) 137

137. From this the character of those who have no conscience may be inferred. They are known by their being the converse of this. Those who for the sake of gain do anything to cause what is unjust to seem to be just, and what is evil seem to be good, and conversely, have no conscience. Such persons do not know what conscience is; and if they are instructed concerning it, they do not believe it, and some are not even willing to know. Of this character are those, who do all things for the sake of themselves and the world.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Whitehead translation 1892) 137

137. From these instances it may be concluded, what quality they are of who have not conscience; they are known from the opposite. Thus, they who for the sake of any gain make what is unjust appear as just, and what is evil appear as good, and vice versa, have not conscience. Neither do they know what conscience is, and if they are instructed what it is, they do not believe; and some are not willing to know. Such are those who do all things for the sake of themselves and the world.

De Nova Hierosolyma et ejus Doctrina Caelesti 137 (original Latin 1758)

137. Ex his concludi potest quales sunt illi qui non conscientiam habent: cognoscuntur ex opposito. Ut, qui propter lucrum quodcunque faciunt ut injustum appareat justum, ac ut malum appareat bonum, ac vice versa, illi conscientiam non habent: illi nec sciunt quid conscientia; et si instruuntur quid est, non credunt, et quidam non volunt scire. Tales sunt, qui propter se et mundum omnia agunt.

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