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《新耶路撒冷及其属天的教义》 第144节





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The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Teachings (New Century Edition 2020) 144

144. No matter how similar they look on the surface, freedom to do good and freedom to do evil are as different and as remote from each other as heaven and hell. The freedom to do good comes from heaven and is called "heavenly freedom," while the freedom to do evil comes from hell and is called "hellish freedom. " To the extent that we have the one freedom we do not have the other-no one can serve two masters (Matthew 6:24). We can also see from this that people who have hellish freedom see it as slavery and bondage if they are not allowed to will what is evil and think what is false whenever they feel like it, while people who have heavenly freedom loathe to will anything evil and to think anything false, and if they are forced to do so, it torments them.

The Heavenly City (Woofenden translation 1993) 144

144. Freedom to do good things and freedom to do harmful things are as different and as distant from each other as heaven is from hell, though they seem outwardly similar. Freedom to do good things comes from heaven, and is called heavenly freedom. Freedom to do harmful things comes from hell, and is called hellish freedom. As much as we are in one kind of freedom, we are not in the other, since “no one can work for two different employers at the same time” (Matthew 6:24).

So it is clear that when we are in hellish freedom, we think that slavery and compulsion is not being allowed to desire harmful things and think false thoughts as much as we want. But when we are in heavenly freedom, we shudder at the idea of wanting harmful things and thinking false thoughts, and it is torture for us if we are forced to.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Chadwick translation 1990) 144

144. The freedom to do good and the freedom to do evil are as different and as far apart, for all their similarity in external appearance, as are heaven and hell. The freedom to do good comes from heaven, and is called heavenly freedom. The freedom to do evil comes from hell, and is called hellish freedom. The more a person has of one, the less he has of the other, for no one can serve two masters (Matthew 6:24). A further indication of this is the fact that those who have hellish freedom think it is slavery and compulsion, if they are not allowed to will evil and have false thoughts to their heart's content. But those who enjoy heavenly freedom, loathe willing evil and having false thoughts, and would suffer torments if they were compelled to do so.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Tafel translation 1911) 144

144. Although the freedom of doing good and the freedom of doing evil appear alike in the outward form, they are as different, and as far removed from each other, as heaven is from hell. The freedom of doing good is also from heaven, and is called heavenly freedom; but the freedom of doing evil is from hell, and is called infernal freedom. So far also as a man is in the one, so far he is not in the other; for no man can serve two masters (Matthew 6:24). The same also appears from this consideration, that not to be allowed to will evil and to think falsity at their good pleasure, is believed by those who are in infernal freedom to be bondage and compulsion; while those who are in heavenly liberty shudder at willing evil and thinking falsity, and if compelled to do so, they would feel tortured.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Whitehead translation 1892) 144

144. The freedom of doing good, and the freedom of doing evil, though they appear alike in the external form, are as different and distant from each other as heaven and hell are: the freedom of doing good also is from heaven, and is called heavenly freedom; but the freedom of doing evil is from hell, and is called infernal freedom; so far, also, as man is in the one, so far he is not in the other, for no one can serve two lords (Matt. 6:24); which also appears from hence, that they who are in infernal freedom believe that it is slavery and compulsion not to be allowed to will evil and think falsity at their pleasure, but they who are in heavenly freedom abhor willing evil and thinking falsity, and would be tormented if they were compelled to do so.

De Nova Hierosolyma et ejus Doctrina Caelesti 144 (original Latin 1758)

144. Liberum faciendi bonum, et liberum faciendi malum, inter se tantum differunt ac distant, quamvis in externa specie similia apparent, quantum caelum et infernum; est quoque liberum faciendi bonum ex caelo, et vocatur liberum caeleste; at liberum faciendi malum est ex inferno, et vocatur liberum infernale: quantum etiam homo est in uno, tantum non est in altero; nemo enim duobus dominis servire potest (Matthaeus 6:24): quod etiam inde patet, quod qui in libero infernali sunt, credant quod servum et coactum sit non licere velle malum et cogitare falsum ex lubitu; at quod qui in libero caelesti sunt, horreant velle malum et cogitare falsum, et si cogerentur ad illa, cruciarentur.

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