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《新耶路撒冷及其属天的教义》 第163节




163、过着仁爱和信仰生活的人每天都会悔改。他反思自己的邪恶,承认它们、防备它们,向主祈求帮助。人自己不断背离正道,但是却一直被主提升和引向良善。这就是良善之人的光景。 相反人若生活在邪恶之中,他不断背离正道,也一直被主提升,避免他堕入恶贯满盈的境地,那本应是他机关算尽的最终下场。

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The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Teachings (New Century Edition 2020) 163

163. If we are leading a life of caring and faith we repent every day. We reflect on the evils in ourselves, acknowledge them, take precautions against them, and pray to the Lord for help. You see, on our own we are constantly falling down, but the Lord is constantly raising us up and leading us toward goodness. This is our state if we devote our lives to doing good. If we spend our lives doing evil, then too we are constantly falling down and the Lord is constantly lifting us up, but the result is only that we are steered away from falling into those most serious evils to which we instinctively tend with all our might.

The Heavenly City (Woofenden translation 1993) 163

163. When we are living in kindness and faith, we regret our faults every day. We think about our bad traits, admit them, avoid acting on them, and ask the Lord for help.

When we are on our own, we are always falling down. But the Lord always puts us back on our feet and leads us toward what is good. This is our state of mind when we do good things.

When we do harmful things, we are always falling down, and the Lord still keeps picking us up. But he can only prevent us from stumbling into things that are even more destructive, which is what we always tend to do on our own.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Chadwick translation 1990) 163

163. Anyone who lives a life of charity and faith repents every day, reflecting on the evils in himself, acknowledging them, taking care to avoid them, and begging the Lord for help. Human beings by themselves are continually slipping, and continually being helped up by the Lord and led towards good. This is the condition of those who are in a state of good. But those who are in a state of evil are continually slipping and they too are continually lifted up by the Lord, but they are only held back from falling into the most serious evils, to which, if left to themselves, all their efforts tend.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Tafel translation 1911) 163

163. He who leads a life of charity and faith, practises repentance daily; he reflects on the evils which are with himself: he acknowledges them, guards against them, and prays to the Lord for help. For of himself a man constantly falls, but by the Lord he is constantly raised up, and is led to good. Such is the state of those who are in good. But those who are in evil fall constantly, and are also constantly raised by the Lord; yet they are only led away so as not to fall into the most grievous evils, to which, of themselves, they tend with all their might.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Whitehead translation 1892) 163

163. He who lives the life of charity and faith does the work of repentance daily; he reflects upon the evils which are with him, he acknowledges them, he guards against them, he supplicates the Lord for help. For man of himself continually lapses, but he is continually raised by the Lord, and led to good. Such is the state of those who are in good. But they who are in evil lapse continually, and are also continually elevated by the Lord, but are only withdrawn from falling into the most grievous evils, to which of themselves they tend with all their endeavor.

De Nova Hierosolyma et ejus Doctrina Caelesti 163 (original Latin 1758)

163. Qui vitam charitatis et fidei vivit, is cottidie paenitentiam agit, reflectit super mala quae apud se, agnoscit illa, cavet ab illis, supplicat Dominum de ope. Homo enim continue ex se labitur, sed a Domino continue erigitur, et ducitur ad bonum; talis status est illis qui in bono sunt. Qui autem in malo sunt, labuntur continue, et quoque a Domino elevantur continue, sed modo abducuntur ne cadant in gravissima mala, ad quae ex se omni nisu tendunt.

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