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《新耶路撒冷及其属天的教义》 第17节





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The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Teachings (New Century Edition 2020) 17

17. The relationship between what is evil and what is false is the inverse of the relationship between what is good and what is true. That is, just as everything in the universe that is in accord with the divine design goes back to what is good and what is true, so everything that violates that design goes back to what is evil and what is false. Further, just as what is good loves being joined to what is true and what is true loves being joined to what is good, likewise what is evil loves being joined to what is false and what is false loves being joined to what is evil.

And just as all intelligence and wisdom are born of a bond between what is good and what is true, so all madness and stupidity are born of a bond between what is evil and what is false. The bond between evil and falsity is called "the hellish marriage. "

The Heavenly City (Woofenden translation 1993) 17

17. It is the same with evil and falsity as with goodness and truth, except that they are opposites. Everything in the universe that is in harmony with the divine plan relates to goodness and truth, but everything that is opposed to the divine plan relates to evil and falsity. Goodness and truth love to be together, and evil and falsity love to be together. And all understanding and wisdom grow out of the relationship between goodness and truth, but all irrationality and foolishness grow out of the relationship between evil and falsity. The relationship between evil and falsity is called hellish marriage.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Chadwick translation 1990) 17

17. The relation of good and truth is matched by their opposites, evil and falsity. This means that just as all things in the universe which are in accordance with Divine order have reference to good and truth, so all things which are contrary to Divine order have reference to evil and falsity. Again, just as good loves to be linked with truth and truth with good, so evil loves to be linked with falsity and falsity with evil. Also, just as all intelligence and wisdom is born of the linking of good and truth, so all madness and stupidity is born of the linking of evil and falsity. This linking is called the hellish marriage.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Tafel translation 1911) 17

17. As it is with good and truth, so by way of contraries is it with evil and falsity: namely that as all things in the universe which are according to Divine order, have relation to good and truth, so all things which are contrary to Divine order, have relation to evil and falsity, and as good loves to be conjoined with truth, and conversely truth with good, so also evil loves to be conjoined with falsity, and conversely falsity with evil. And again, as all intelligence and wisdom spring from the conjunction of good and truth, so all folly and stupidity arise from the conjunction of evil and falsity. The conjunction of evil and falsity is called the Infernal Marriage.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Whitehead translation 1892) 17

17. As it is with good and truth, so it is in the opposite with evil and falsity; namely, as all things in the universe, which are according to Divine order, have relation to good and truth, so all things which are contrary to Divine order have relation to evil and falsity. Again, as good loves to be conjoined to truth, and vice versa, so evil loves to be conjoined to falsity, and vice versa. And again, as all intelligence and wisdom are born from the conjunction of good and truth, so all insanity and folly are born from the conjunction of evil and falsity. The conjunction of evil and falsity is called the infernal marriage.

De Nova Hierosolyma et ejus Doctrina Caelesti 17 (original Latin 1758)

17. Sicut est cum bono et vero, ita ex opposito est cum malo et falso; quod, nempe, sicut omnia in universo quae sunt secundum Divinum ordinem se referunt ad bonum et verum, ita omnia quae sunt contra Divinum ordinem se referant ad malum et falsum. Tum quod sicut bonum amat conjungi vero, ac vicissim, ita malum amet conjungi falso, ac vicissim. Ut et, sicut omnis intelligentia et sapientia nascitur ex conjunctione boni et veri, ita omnis insania et stultitia ex conjunctione mali et falsi. Conjunctio mali et falsi vocatur conjugium infernale.

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