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《新耶路撒冷及其属天的教义》 第19节







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The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Teachings (New Century Edition 2020) 19

19. No one who is resolutely and habitually devoted to what is evil and what is false can know what is good and what is true, because such people believe that their evil is good and that their falsity is the truth. On the other hand, anyone who is resolutely and habitually devoted to what is good and what is true can know what is evil and what is false. This is because every type of goodness and its accompanying truth is heavenly in essence, and if any of it is not heavenly in essence it still comes from heaven. Every type of evil and its accompanying falsity, though, is hellish in essence, and any of it that is not hellish in essence still comes from hell. Everything heavenly is in the light, while everything hellish is in darkness.

The Heavenly City (Woofenden translation 1993) 19

19. When we rationalize and live out our bad traits and the false ideas we get from them, we cannot see what is good and true, since evil thinks of itself as good, and falsity thinks of itself as true. But if we strengthen and live out our good qualities and the true ideas we get from them, we can see what is evil and false.

This is why: all our good qualities and the true ideas that go with them are heavenly in essence — or if they are not, they still come from a heavenly source. But all our bad traits and the false ideas that go with them are hellish in essence — or if they are not, they still come from a hellish source. And everything heavenly is brightly lit, but everything hellish is in the dark.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Chadwick translation 1990) 19

19. No one who by conviction and manner of life has chosen evil and the falsity which comes of it can know what good and truth are, because he believes that his own evil is good and thus that his own falsity is truth. However, everyone who by conviction and manner of life has chosen good and the truth which comes of it can know what evil and falsity are. The reason is that all good, and the truth which comes of it, is in its essence heavenly, and that which is not in its essence heavenly is still of heavenly origin. But all evil and the falsity which comes of it is in its essence hellish, and what is not in its essence hellish still comes from that origin. Everything heavenly is bathed in light and everything hellish is sunk in darkness.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Tafel translation 1911) 19

19. No one who, from confirmation and life, is in evil and in the falsity from it, can know what good and truth are; for he believes his own evil to be good, and thus his falsity to be truth. But every one who, by confirmation and life, is in good and in the truth from it, can know what evil and falsity are. The reason is, that all good, with its truth, is in its essence heavenly: and what is not in its essence heavenly, is still from a heavenly origin; but all evil, with its falsity, is in its essence hellish, and what is not hellish in its essence, is still hellish by origin; and everything heavenly is in light, but everything hellish in darkness.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Whitehead translation 1892) 19

19. No one who is in evil, and thence in falsity from confirmation and life, can know what good and truth is, for he believes his own evil to be good, and thence he believes his falsity to be truth; but everyone who is in good and thence in truth from confirmation and life may know what evil and falsity are. The reason of this is, because all good and its truth is, in its essence, heavenly, and what is not heavenly in its essence is still from a heavenly origin; but all evil and its falsity is in its essence infernal, and what is not infernal in its essence has nevertheless its origin from thence; and all that is heavenly is in light, but all that is infernal is in darkness.

De Nova Hierosolyma et ejus Doctrina Caelesti 19 (original Latin 1758)

19. Nemo qui in malo et inde falso est ex confirmatione et vita, potest scire quid bonum et verum, quoniam malum suum credit esse bonum, ac inde falsum suum credit esse verum; at omnis qui in bono et inde vero est ex confirmatione et vita, potest scire quid malum et falsum. Causa est, quia omne bonum et ejus verum est in sua essentia caeleste, et quod non in sua essentia est caeleste, est usque ex origine caelesti; omne autem malum et ejus falsum est in sua essentia infernale, et quod non in sua essentia est infernale, est usque ex origine inde: ac omne caeleste est in luce, at omne infernale in tenebris.

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