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《新耶路撒冷及其属天的教义》 第213节





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The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Teachings (New Century Edition 2020) 213

213. We can see from this that when we take the bread, which is the body, we are joined to the Lord through the goodness of love for him that comes from him; and that when we take the wine, which is the blood, we are joined to the Lord through the goodness of faith in him that comes from him.

It is important to know, however, that this being joined to the Lord through the sacrament of the Supper occurs only for people who are devoted to the goodness of love for the Lord and faith in the Lord that come from the Lord. For such people this joining together takes place through the Holy Supper; for others there is no joining together, but the Lord is nonetheless present with them.

The Heavenly City (Woofenden translation 1993) 213

213. From this you can see that when we eat the bread, which is the body, we are united with the Lord through the goodness in our love for him, which comes from him. When we drink the wine, which is the blood, we are united with the Lord through our faith in him, which also comes from him.

You should realize, though, that the holy supper only unites us with the Lord when we have in us the goodness of loving and believing in the Lord, which comes from him. When we have this, the holy supper does unite us with him. When we do not, he is there with us but we are not united with him.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Chadwick translation 1990) 213

213. From this it is plain that when a person takes the bread which is the Lord's body, he is linked with Him by means of the good of love directed to Him and coming from Him. And when he takes the wine, which is the Lord's blood, he is linked to the Lord by means of the good of faith in Him and coming from Him. But it should be known that this linking with the Lord by means of the sacrament of the Supper only occurs in the case of those who are in possession of the good of love and faith to the Lord and coming from the Lord. In their case the Holy Supper is a means of linking, but in the case of others there is presence, but not linking.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Tafel translation 1911) 213

213. From this it is evident, that when a man partakes of the bread which is the body, he is conjoined with the Lord through the good of love to Him and from Him; and that when he partakes of the wine which is the blood, he is conjoined with the Lord through the good of faith in Him and from Him. But it must be borne in mind, that conjunction with the Lord, through the sacrament of the Supper, takes place only with those who are in the good of love to, and of faith in, the Lord from the Lord. With such there is conjunction through the Holy Supper; with the rest, there is presence, but not conjunction.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Whitehead translation 1892) 213

213. From these things it is evident, that when man partakes of the bread, which is the body, he is conjoined to the Lord by the good of love to Him from Him; and when he partakes of the wine, which is the blood, he is conjoined to the Lord by the good of faith in Him from Him. But it is to be known that the conjunction with the Lord by the Sacrament of the Supper, is effected with those alone who are in the good of love and faith in the Lord from the Lord. With these there is conjunction by the Holy Supper; with others there is presence, but not conjunction.

De Nova Hierosolyma et ejus Doctrina Caelesti 213 (original Latin 1758)

213. Ex his patet quod homo cum sumit panem, qui est corpus, conjungatur Domino per bonum amoris in Ipsum ab Ipso; et cum sumit vinum, quod est sanguis, conjungatur Domino per bonum fidei in Ipsum ab Ipso. Sed sciendum est quod conjunctio cum Domino per Sacramentum Cenae fiat solum apud illos qui in bono amoris et fidei in Dominum a Domino sunt: apud hos per Sanctam Cenam est conjunctio; apud ceteros est praesentia et non conjunctio.

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