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《新耶路撒冷及其属天的教义》 第236节





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The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Teachings (New Century Edition 2020) 236

236. Eternal happiness, which is also called heavenly joy, is given to people who live and walk in a love for the Lord that comes from the Lord and a faith in him that comes from him. This love and faith have heavenly joy within them. If we have heaven within ourselves we come into heavenly joy after death; until then it lies hidden in our inner self.

There is in heaven a sharing of everything that is good. The peace, intelligence, wisdom, and happiness of all are shared with every individual there, though the individuals' capacity for it is determined by the amount of love and faith they have accepted from the Lord. This shows how much peace, intelligence, wisdom, and happiness there is in heaven.

The Heavenly City (Woofenden translation 1993) 236

236. If we love and believe in the Lord, and our love and belief comes from him, we have eternal happiness, which is also called heavenly joy. This kind of love and faith has heavenly joy in it, and we come into this joy after death if we have heaven in us.

In heaven, everything good is shared. Everyone’s peace, understanding, wisdom, and happiness is shared with everyone else — though how each of us accepts it depends on how we accept love and faith from the Lord. So you can see how much peace, understanding, wisdom, and happiness there is in heaven!

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Chadwick translation 1990) 236

236. Everlasting happiness, which is also called heavenly joy, is granted to those who are in love and faith to the Lord and from the Lord. That love and that faith have this joy in them, and a person who has heaven within him comes after death into that joy. In the meantime it lies hidden in his internal. All forms of good in heaven are shared. The peace, intelligence, wisdom and happiness of all are shared with each individual, yet in each case depending upon the way he receives love and faith from the Lord. From this it is plain how great are the peace, intelligence, wisdom and happiness in heaven.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Tafel translation 1911) 236

236. Those who from the Lord are in love to the Lord and in faith in Him, have eternal happiness, which is also called heavenly joy. This joy is contained in that love and in that faith; and the man who has heaven in himself, comes into that joy after death; meanwhile it lies hidden in his Internal. In the heavens there is a sharing of all goods; the peace, the intelligence, the wisdom, and the happiness of all are communicated there to each; yet to every one according to his reception of love and faith from the Lord. From this it is evident, how great is the peace, the intelligence, the wisdom, and the happiness in heaven.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Whitehead translation 1892) 236

236. Eternal happiness, which is also called heavenly joy, is imparted to those who are in love and faith in the Lord, from the Lord; for this love and faith have that joy in them; into it the man comes after death who has heaven in him; in the meantime it lies hidden in his internal man. In the heavens there is a communion of all goods; there the peace, the intelligence, the wisdom, and the happiness of all are communicated to each; yet to everyone according to his reception of love and faith from the Lord. Hence it may appear how great is the peace, intelligence, wisdom and happiness in heaven.

De Nova Hierosolyma et ejus Doctrina Caelesti 236 (original Latin 1758)

236. Felicitas aeterna, quae etiam gaudium caeleste vocatur, est illis qui in amore et fide in Dominum a Domino sunt; ille amor et illa fides in se habent id gaudium: in id venit homo post mortem, qui caelum in se habet; interea reconditum latet in interno ejus. In caelis est communio omnium bonorum; pax, intelligentia, sapientia, et felicitas omnium communicantur unicuivis ibi, attamen singulis secundum receptionem amoris et fidei a Domino: inde patet quanta pax, intelligentia, sapientia, et felicitas in caelo est.

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