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《新耶路撒冷及其属天的教义》 第289节





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The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Teachings (New Century Edition 2020) 289

289. People whose concept of divinity is a concept of three persons 1cannot have a concept of one God. If they say "one" with their mouth, they still think "three. " However, people whose concept of divinity is a concept of three aspects in one person can have a concept of one God. They can say "one God," and they can think "one God" as well.


1. The doctrine of the Trinity, which holds that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit make one God, is held by the vast majority of Christian denominations, including the Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, and Protestant. Swedenborg, while accepting the concept of a Trinity, condemns an understanding of it that requires Father, Son, and Holy Spirit to be "three persons. " As he indicates in this passage, he believes this leads inevitably to a belief in three gods. For a thorough explication of Swedenborg's views of this topic, see True Christianity 163-184. [SS, RS]

The Heavenly City (Woofenden translation 1993) 289

289. If we think of the divine as three people, we cannot have an idea of one God. Even if we say there is one God, we still think there are three. But if we think of the divine as three different parts of one person, we can have an idea of one God, say there is one God, and also think there is one God.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Chadwick translation 1990) 289

289. Those whose idea of the Deity is of three persons cannot have an idea of one God. Even if their lips speak of one, they think of three. But those whose idea of the Deity is of three in one person can have an idea of one God, say the words 'one God', and think of one God.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Tafel translation 1911) 289

289. Those who hold concerning the Deity the idea of three persons, cannot have the idea of one God; if with the lips they say one, they still think of three. But those who in respect to the Deity have the idea of three in one Person, may have the idea of one God, and may also think of one God.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Whitehead translation 1892) 289

289. They who, concerning the Divinity, have the idea of three Persons, cannot have the idea of one God; if with the mouth they say one, still they think three; but they who, concerning the Divinity, have the idea of three in one Person, can have the idea of one God, and can say one God, and also think one God.

De Nova Hierosolyma et ejus Doctrina Caelesti 289 (original Latin 1758)

289. Qui de Divinitate ideam trium personarum habent, non possunt ideam unius Dei habere; si ore dicunt unum, usque cogitant tres: at qui de Divinitate ideam trium in una Persona habent, illi possunt ideam unius Dei habere, ac dicere unum Deum, et quoque cogitare unum Deum.

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