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《新耶路撒冷及其属天的教义》 第293节





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The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Teachings (New Century Edition 2020) 293

293. The Lord came into the world to save the human race, which otherwise would have suffered eternal death. He saved it by gaining control over the hells, which were assaulting everyone who entered this world and everyone who left it. He also saved the human race by glorifying his own human nature, because this gave him the power to keep the hells under his control forever.

His gaining control over the hells and the simultaneous glorification of his human nature were effected by allowing the human nature that he received from his mother to undergo spiritual crises and by continuous victories in those crises. His suffering on the cross was his last spiritual crisis; in it he made his victory complete.

The Heavenly City (Woofenden translation 1993) 293

293. The Lord came into the world to rescue the human race, which otherwise would have died a death that lasts forever. He saved us was by getting hell under control, since hell was attacking every person who came into and left the world. At the same time, by doing this he made his human side divine. So now he can keep hell under control forever.

He got hell under control and made his human side divine by always winning the inner struggles that gained access to him through the human part that he got from his mother. His struggle on the cross was the last of these inner struggles, and gave him a complete victory.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Chadwick translation 1990) 293

293. The Lord came into the world to save the human race, which would otherwise have perished in everlasting death. He achieved this salvation by subduing the hells, which were attacking every person coming into and leaving the world. He did this at the same time by glorifying His humanity, for He could thus keep the hells subdued for ever. The subjugation of the hells, and at the same time the glorification of His humanity, were achieved by the temptations which were permitted to assail the humanity He inherited from His mother, and by constantly winning victories over them. His passion on the cross was the last temptation and His complete victory.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Tafel translation 1911) 293

293. The Lord came into the world that He might save the human race, which otherwise would have perished in eternal death; and this salvation He wrought by subjugating the hells, which infested every man coming into the world, and departing out of the world; and at the same time, by glorifying His Human; for thus He can keep the hells in subjection to eternity. The subjugation of the hells, and the glorification at the same time of His Human, were effected through temptations admitted into the Human which He had from the mother, and by continual victories in them. His passion on the cross was the last temptation and, complete victory.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Whitehead translation 1892) 293

293. The Lord came into the world that He might save the human race, which otherwise would have perished in eternal death; and He saved them by this, that He subjugated the hells, which infested every man coming into the world and going out of the world; and at the same time by this, that He glorified His Human: for thus He can keep the hells in subjugation to eternity. The subjugation of the hells, and the glorification of His Human at the same time, were effected by means of temptations admitted into the human which He had from the mother, and by continual victories therein. His passion on the cross was the last temptation and full victory.

De Nova Hierosolyma et ejus Doctrina Caelesti 293 (original Latin 1758)

293. Dominus in mundum venit ut salvaret genus humanum, quod alioqui periisset morte aeterna; et per id salvavit, quod subjugaverit inferna, quae infestabant omnem hominem venientem in mundum et exeuntem e mundo; et simul per id, quod glorificaverit Humanum suum; sic enim inferna potest tenere subjugata in aeternum Subjugatio infernorum et simul glorificatio Humani Ipsius, facta est per tentationes in humanum, quod Ei fuit ex matre, admissas, et per continuas tunc victorias: passio Ipsius in cruce fuit ultima tentatio et plena victoria.

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