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《新耶路撒冷及其属天的教义》 第85节





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The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Teachings (New Century Edition 2020) 85

85. Most people nowadays think that everyone is equally their neighbor and that we should be generous to anyone who is in need. It should be part of Christian prudence, though, to check carefully what someone's life is really like and to extend caring accordingly. People who constitute the inner church do this with discernment and therefore intelligently; but people who constitute the outer church act indiscriminately because they are unable to make distinctions like this.

The Heavenly City (Woofenden translation 1993) 85

85. A common view these days is that we should consider all people to be our friends on an equal basis, and that we should help people who are too poor to support themselves. But good Christian sense tells us we should take a close look at how people are living and show kindness to them accordingly. Deeply religious people make these distinctions, which means they show kindness to people intelligently. But superficially religious people cannot make these distinctions, so they show kindness to people indiscriminately.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Chadwick translation 1990) 85

85. It is generally believed to-day that everyone is equally the neighbour, and good is to be done to anyone who needs help. But Christian prudence demands that a person's life should be carefully checked and charity exercised accordingly. A person who belongs internally to the church does so in a discriminating way, and so intelligently. But a person who belongs externally to the church does so without discrimination, because he is not so well able to tell things apart.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Tafel translation 1911) 85

85. It is commonly supposed at the present day, that every man is a neighbour in a like degree, and that good ought to be done to every one who requires help. But Christian prudence is concerned in examining well the quality of a man's life, and in practising charity in accordance therewith. A man of the Internal Church acts therein with discrimination, and thus intelligently; but a man of the External Church, because he cannot so well distinguish things, acts without discrimination.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Whitehead translation 1892) 85

85. It is a common opinion at this day, that every man is equally the neighbor, and that benefits are to be conferred on everyone who needs assistance; but it is in the interest of Christian prudence to examine well the quality of a man's life, and to exercise charity to him accordingly. The man of the internal church exercises his charity with discrimination, consequently with intelligence; but the man of the external church, because he is not able thus to discern things, does it indiscriminately.

De Nova Hierosolyma et ejus Doctrina Caelesti 85 (original Latin 1758)

85. Communis opinio hodie est quod omnis homo sit aeque proximus, et quod benefaciendum sit cuivis qui opis indiget; sed prudentiae Christianae interest, bene scrutari qualis hominis vita est, et charitatem secundum illam exercere. Internae ecclesiae homo cum discrimine, ita cum intelligentia, id agit; at externae ecclesiae homo, quia non ita discernere res potest, indiscriminatim facit.

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