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《新耶路撒冷及其属天的教义》 第96节





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The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Teachings (New Century Edition 2020) 96

96. These are the levels of neighbor, the steps by which love ascends in people who are devoted to loving their neighbor. These levels are in a definite sequence in which the primary or higher is preferable to the secondary or lower; and since the Lord is on the highest level and is to be our central focus on every level as the ultimate goal of our actions, he is to be loved above all people and above all things.

This now makes it possible for us to tell how love for the Lord becomes joined to love for our neighbor.

The Heavenly City (Woofenden translation 1993) 96

96. These are the different levels of friends. When we love other people, our love goes higher and higher in these levels. But the levels follow one after the other in order. The higher ones in the order should be considered more important than the lower ones. Since the Lord is highest of all, and should be our central focus on all levels, he is the one we should love more than everyone and everything else. From this you can see the connection between loving the Lord and loving other people.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Chadwick translation 1990) 96

96. These are the degrees of the neighbour, and with those who are in a state of love towards the neighbour their love rises to higher levels by these degrees. But these degrees are degrees of successive order, and in this what is prior or higher is to be preferred to what is posterior or lower. And because the Lord is the neighbour in the highest degree, and He is to be regarded in each degree as the end in view, so He is to be loved above all people and all things. From this it can now be established how love to the Lord links itself with love towards the neighbour.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Tafel translation 1911) 96

96. These are the degrees of the neighbour; and with all who are in the love of the neighbour love ascends according to these degrees. But these are the degrees in successive order, in which the prior or higher is to be preferred to the posterior or lower. And since the Lord is in the highest degree, and as in each degree respect is to be had to Him as to the end which is to be regarded, therefore He is to be loved above all persons and above all things. From this it may appear in what way love to the Lord conjoins itself with love towards the neighbour.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Whitehead translation 1892) 96

96. These are the degrees of neighbor, and love ascends, with those who are in love towards their neighbor, according to these degrees. But these degrees are degrees in successive order, in which what is prior or superior is to be preferred to what is posterior or inferior; and because the Lord is in the highest degree, and He is to be regarded in each degree as the end to which it tends, consequently He is to be loved above all persons and things. From these things it may now appear, how love to the Lord conjoins itself with love towards the neighbor.

De Nova Hierosolyma et ejus Doctrina Caelesti 96 (original Latin 1758)

96. Hi gradus sunt proximi, et secundum hos gradus ascendit amor apud illos qui in amore erga proximum sunt. Sed hi gradus sunt gradus in ordine successivo, in quo praeferendum est prius seu superius posteriori seu inferiori; et quia Dominus est in supremo, et Ipse spectandus in singulis gradibus ut finis ad quem, ita est Ipse supra omnes et supra omnia amandus. Ex his nunc constare potest, quomodo amor in Dominum se conjungit cum amore erga proximum.

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