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《灵界经历》 第1000节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1000

1000. And so these spirits are the kind who in their lifetime had liked to search out the yearnings and thoughts of others. So they turn themselves into different shapes like Vertumni, agreeing with everything, but with the purpose of knowing the other's thoughts. There are many who burn with that desire, yet not with the goal or purpose of getting something out of it, but simply of knowing.

So these agree with the characteristic nature of that liquid component, wanting [to go] inwards so as to know the deeper aspects of the person. This is reflected in the fact that they also try to make their way inside, thus to the essences of the blood; but they cannot do this [999 1/2].

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1000

1000. Such, then, are those who during their life have wanted in various ways to explore the cupidities and thoughts of others, and then, like Vertumnus, turn themselves into various forms. There is nothing that they do not affirm, but with the intention of learning the thoughts of others. This is the case with many who burn with such cupidity - not with the end or intention of making gain thereby, but merely that they may know. Thus they are in accord with those things which belong to the nature of that serosity. Moreover, their desire to know inwardly, or to know the more interior things of man, is evident from the fact that they want to introduce themselves more interiorly, thus even to the sanguineous essences; but this they cannot do.

Experientiae Spirituales 1000 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1000. Ii itaque sunt tales, qui in vita explorare voluerunt per varios modos aliorum cupiditates, et cogitata, seque tunc vertunt in varias formas sicut Vertumni, ac nihil non affirmant, sed animo ut sciant alius cogitata, ut sunt plures, qui ex cupiditate flagrant; sed non eo fine seu eo animo, ut inde aliquid lucrentur, sed modo ut sciant: ita concordant cum iis quae ejus serositatis naturae sunt, quod etiam intrinsecus, seu magis interiora hominis cupiant scire, ex eo quoque patet, quod interius quoque se efferre velint, sic ad sanguineas essentias, sed hoc non possunt [999a].

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