1047. I also smelled a sweet wine-like aroma, and this is the odor of those who from some acceptable love flatter those whom they love. Thus there is sincerity in it, but clothed in a formal beauty. From this comes the wine-like odor, varying according to qualities. This and the previous one, I have smelled. 1748, 27 February.
1047. I also sensibly perceived a sweet or vinous smell. This is the smell of those who from a certain allowable affection flatter those whom they love in such a way that there is truth in what is said, but there is a kind of formal beauty in which that truth is contained; thence according to its quality comes the vinous odor. This and the previous odor have been sensibly perceived by me. 1748, Feb. 27.
1047. Nidor etiam dulcis seu vinosus, etiam mihi sentitus est, estque eorum qui ex amore quodam licito adblandiuntur iis, quos amant, sic ut verum insit, sed quoddam pulchrum formale adest, in quo inest, inde vinosum secundum qualitatem. Hic odor et prior mihi sentitus est. 1748, 27 Febr.