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《灵界经历》 第1049节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1049


It was indicated to me that these spirits belong to the province of the little thymus gland, because I had had the general notion regarding the use of that little gland, that it was also of service to little children, imparting to the neighboring organs by its secretion very sweet and pleasant sensations of life. 1748, 27 February. The same spirits are also in a great turmoil, and when they are being whirled around, sustain it, as may be seen [in the description] of the thymus. 1


1. See The Animate Kingdom II, Chapter VI.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1049

1049. That these spirits pertain to the province of the thymus gland was indicated to me, because I have had a quite similar idea in general concerning the use of this gland, namely, that it was also of service to infants, and imparted to the neighboring organs the sweeter and more delightful things of life by a like secretion. 1748, Feb. 27. The same spirits are also in great crowds and sustain them while they are being tormented, as may be seen concerning the Thymus Gland. 1


1. See the chapter on the Thymus Gland, in the author's work, The Animal Kingdom, part II, chapter vi.

Experientiae Spirituales 1049 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1049. Quod ii ad provinciam glandulae thymi pertineant, mihi indicatum est, quia talem fere notionem communem habui de usu istius glandulae, quod infantibus quoque serviverit, et dulciora seu vitae jucundiora per similem secretionem, impertita sit vicinis. 1748, 27 Febr. Iidem etiam sunt in magnis turbis, ac eas sustinent dum torquentur, sicut de thymo videas. {a}

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