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《灵界经历》 第1059节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1059

1059. From this it becomes clear that the cortical substances relate to the heavenly qualities. How this is so, can be evident especially from the cortical substance of the brain, and in the body, from the cortical-like substance of the kidneys. These substances are therefore the beginnings, where the [animate] spirits are formed. Spiritual qualities go back to them as their origin, i.e., they are the beginnings of spiritual qualities, because the spiritual comes forth from them. They are also of a different color, like the color of the blood, a bright red.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1059

1059. It hence becomes clear that the cortical substances relate to celestial things. In what manner they do so can be especially evident from the cortical substance of the cerebrum, and in the body from the quasi cortical substance of the kidneys. They are also the beginnings; there, in the cerebrum, is the formation of the [animal] spirits, to which spiritual things refer themselves and also flow forth thence. They are the beginnings of spiritual things, because spiritual things flow forth from them. They are also of a different color, namely, in themselves they are like the blood, either bright or red.

Experientiae Spirituales 1059 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1059. Exinde patescit, quod substantiae corticales referant coelestia, et quomodo a substantia corticali cerebri imprimis constare potest, in corpore a substantia quasi corticali renum; ea quoque sunt principia, ibi fit formatio spirituum, in cerebro, ad ea se referunt spiritualia, ac inde effluunt, sunt principia spiritualium, quia spiritualia inde effluunt; coloris etiam sunt alius, nempe in se qualis sanguis, seu candidus, seu rubeus.

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