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《灵界经历》 第1111节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1111

1111. About the life after death-souls did not believe it was like this

Souls from among those who had been my acquaintances during their lifetime often confessed that they had never believed that this kind of condition existed in the other life, when they were undergoing so many changes, and so many punishments, and the like.

They also confessed they had never believed that those in the life of the body had believed things so false, admitting that the doctrine of faith alone as saving is false; especially so when they [now] observe that there is nothing in themselves, or that they say on their own as if from themselves, that is not criminal, and that only what is from the Lord is good and true. Besides all this, [they said] that almost all of them had never believed that the Lord Jesus Christ rules the universe, both heaven and earth; as well as countless other points which, because they had been unheard of in bodily life, likewise now strike them as incredible. 1748, 1 March.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1111


Souls of those who had been known to me during their life have often confessed that they had never believed that there would be such a state in the other life, when they would undergo so many changes and punishments and like things. Also, that they would never have imagined that in the life of the body they had believed in such falsities, and that the doctrine of the faith that alone is saving is such; especially so, when they observe that there is nothing in themselves, nor anything said by themselves as from themselves, that is not most criminal, and that only that which is from the Lord is good and true. Moreover, they confessed that scarcely any of them had believed that the Lord Jesus Christ governs the universe, both heaven and earth; besides innumerable other things which, because they were unheard of in the life of the body, also seemed to them incredible. 1748, Mar. 1.

Experientiae Spirituales 1111 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1111. De vita post mortem, quod talis sit, non creditum ab animabus

Animae eorum, qui mihi noti fuerunt in vita, saepe confessi sunt, quod nusquam crediderint talem statum dari in altera vita, cum tot mutationes et tot supplicia, et talia, subirent; tum quod nusquam crediderint, eos in vita corporis, tam falsa credidisse, et quod doctrina fidei, quae sola salvifica est, talis sit, cumprimis quando animadvertunt, nihil in semet dari, nec a semet dici, ut a semet, quod non facinorosum sit, et quod id solum bonum et verum, quod a Domino, praeterea, quod paene omnes, nusquam crediderint Dominum Jesum Christum regere universum tam coelum, quam terram; praeter innumera quae quia in vita corporis inaudita fuerunt, etiam ut incredibilia iis obveniunt. 1748, 1 Martius.

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