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《灵界经历》 第1113节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1113

1113. The Lord governs the universe Spirits of the planet Jupiter

Spirits of the planet Jupiter stayed with me for many weeks, having their own emissaries who occupied the region of my head. I was always clearly aware of their presence, for they are heavenly, and speak little or not at all, but only think, reflecting quite accurately on the faithlessness of the inhabitants of our earth, which they nevertheless completely disregard.

When they had been in that realm for a while, a bit of doubt arose for a moment, whether our Lord is their One Only Lord-yet only for a moment. But immediately I asked them whether, during the time they had been here, they had had a different Lord, or had sensed anything indicative of a different Lord. When they immediately felt themselves affirming this, they at once sup-ported it. But all this happened in only an instant, and they do not want me to make it known, lest they be charged with disbelief, when yet they know it better than others, as they now dictate to me. 1748, 1 March.

Their language has an inward, rolling quality, yet also rolling into words. It evades description.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1113


The spirits of the planet Jupiter remained with me for many weeks, and they had their emissaries who occupied the region of my head. I always clearly recognized their presence, for they are celestial and speak little, if anything; they only think. They reflect very accurately upon the infidelities of the spirits of this earth, yet for these infidelities they care nothing. Since they had been so long in such a sphere there momentarily came some doubt whether our Lord is their One Only Lord, but it was only for a moment. They were at once asked whether, during their long stay here, they have had any other Lord or have perceived anything of another Lord? When they immediately perceived this confirmed in themselves they were at once present. But these things occurred only for a moment, and they do not want me to disclose them, lest they be charged with any incredulity, when yet they know this better than others, as they now declare to me. 1748, Mar. 1.

Their speech is, in a degree, voluble; it is interior, yet also resolving itself into words in a manner that cannot be described.

Experientiae Spirituales 1113 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1113. Quod Dominus regat universum Spiritus telluris Jovis

Spiritus telluris Jovis, apud me per plures septimanas manserunt, et suos emissarios habuerunt, qui tenebant regionem capitis mei, quorum praesentiam semper manifeste cognoscebam, coelestes enim sunt, et parum aut si quicquam loquuntur, modo cogitant, et reflectunt satis exacte super spirituum hujus telluris infidelitates, quas tamen nihil curant, ii quum in tali sphaera tamdiu fuissent, momentum venit aliquid dubitationis, num Dominus noster sit eorum Unicus Dominus, sed modo momento, sed iis illico dictum, quum per tantum temporis hic manserint, an alium Dominum habuerint, aut de alio Domino aliquid perceperint; cum id statim apud se confirmatum percipiebant, tunc illico aderant, sed haec modo momento fiebant 1

, nec volunt ut haec propalem, ne insimulentur alicujus incredulitatis, cum illi id sciant prae aliis, ut mihi nunc dictant. 1748, 1 Martius.

Loquela eorum est volubile quoddam, interius, usque in voces quoque se volvens, non ita describi potest.


1. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has hoc...momento, fiebant

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