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《灵界经历》 第1133节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1133

1133. But this not being enough, when they notice some person close to the heart of the earthly human, or the spirit, they then also mingle that person in with those ideas, holding their thoughts fixed on that person in order to find out the other's feelings. In this way they also habitually disturb those with whom they are associated, stirring up and bringing back many whom they come across in the person's mental image. Their only desire is to learn what is going on in that circle.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1133

1133. But this is not sufficient. When they perceive any person who is dear to the man or spirit, they then mingle that person also in the same ideas, and keep their ideas fixed upon him, in order that they may know what his feeling is. In this way also they are wont to infest those who are in a society. Thus they rouse up the many individuals whom they come across to the same ideas and adjoin them, and this solely from their eagerness to know what is being done in a society.

Experientiae Spirituales 1133 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1133. Sed hoc non satis, dum percipiunt aliquam personam, qui 1

homini aut spiritui cordi est, tunc quoque eam personam ideis iisdem immiscent, et detinent ideas suas in persona ista, ut sciant, quid sentiant, sic quoque infestare solent eos, qui in societate sunt; ita plures, quos offendunt in ejus idea, excitant, et redjungunt 2

; solum cupidi ut sciant, quid in societate ista peragatur.


1. sic manuscript

2. sic manuscript; J.F.I. Tafel's edition has adjungunt

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