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《灵界经历》 第1135节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1135

1135. It was also observed that these same demons and spirits pulled not only on the upper region of the head, but also on the soles of the feet. They draw the soles of the feet very noticeably, and this means that just as the chyle reservoir attracts the still somewhat crude nutriments, so do those same demons and spirits draw things which occur naturally, or without forethought. For a deceitful person, when fishing out things that others have said, especially picks up on, or draws, and remembers, thoughtless utterances, that is, crude ones. For later, with forethought, the same person normally says things differently, and also explains the words that had slipped from his mouth so that nothing bad may come of it. This [forethought] is just what those demons and spirits do not want.

The correspondence of the chyle with these spirits and demons can thus be amply established. They are joined to people and spirits who are like them, and in this way all their thoughts are exposed in front of the circle they are in.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1135

1135. It was also observed that these same genii and spirits attracted not only the upper region of the head, as said above, but also the soles of the feet, and indeed they manifestly attracted the soles of the feet. By this is signified that in like manner as the receptaculum chyli attracts the still somewhat crude aliments, so do these same genii and spirits also attract those things that are natural, and not so much premeditated. For when a fraudulent man fishes out what others have said, he especially seizes upon, attracts, and holds in his memory, those things which have not been premeditated, that is, which are crude; for later, speaking from premeditation, that same man is wont to say different things and also so to explain what has slipped from his mouth that nothing of evil results. This those genii and spirits do not wish. The meeting of the chyle with like substances can thus be fully established. Such spirits and genii are adjoined to the men, and afterwards to the spirits of those who are of such a nature; in this way all that they have thought of is laid open before the society in which they are.

Experientiae Spirituales 1135 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1135. Observatum quoque est, quod iidem genii et spiritus non solum attraxerint regionem capitis superiorem, ut dictum, sed etiam plantas pedis, et quidem manifeste plantas pedis, quo significatur, quod similiter ac cisterna 1

chyli attrahat alimenta adhuc crudiora, sic etiam iidem genii et spiritus ea quae naturalia sunt, et non ita praemeditata, nam homo fallax, dum expiscatur quid alii loquuti, imprimis ea arripit, seu attrahit, et memoria tenet, quae non praemeditata sunt, hoc est, quae cruda, postea namque idem homo solet, praemeditato alia loqui, tum quoque explicare ea, quae elapsa ori sunt, ut inde nihil mali eveniat, quod genii isti et spiritus nolunt; convenientia chyli cum similibus ample sic institui potest; tales spiritus et genii adjunguntur iis hominibus et dein spiritibus, qui tales sunt, ita quoque omnia cogitata coram societate, in qua sunt, patescunt. 2


1. The Manuscript has cysterna

2. haec paragraphus in the Manuscript linea verticali undulante marginaliter signata est

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