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《灵界经历》 第1140节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1140

1140. Moreover, those who do not want at all to hear and open their minds to inward and more inward things, remain outside of heaven, and they cannot help entertaining a kind of hatred of them, because they are inward and very inward things, and also of those who teach them.

I expect there will be many on earth in the future who hate the inward things of the Word, and the very inward things even more, because these touch the life of their loves too closely, confronting them with what they see as insurmountable difficulties. So they much prefer that the way toward inward things be closed off than that they should favor them with assent. Besides, they do not want to be bothered by such things as they are not capable of understanding.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1140

1140. Moreover, such as are altogether unwilling to hear or to admit interior and more interior things remain outside heaven, nor can they do otherwise than entertain a hatred of these things because they are interior and more interior, and also a hatred of those who teach them. I expect this will be the case with many on earth in the future who will hate the interior and to a greater degree the more interior things of the Word, because they touch the life of their loves too closely; and also they raise difficulties which seem to them as impossibilities. Thus they prefer that the way to interior things should be closed, rather than that they should favor them with assent; and in addition, they do not want to be disturbed by such things, which they are not capable of understanding.

Experientiae Spirituales 1140 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1140. Praeterea tales, qui interiora ac intimiora prorsus non audire aut admittere volunt, manent extra coelum, nec possunt aliter ac odio quodam habere, quia interiora ac intimiora, etiam eos, qui docent, sicut in terris plures ut arbitror venturi, qui interiora Verbi, et magis intimiora odio habent, quia vitam eorum amorum 1

propius tangunt, ac difficultates iis visas ut impossibiles, sibi objiciunt, ita amant potius praecludi viam ad interiora, quam ut iis assensu faveant: praeterea nec inquietari volunt similibus, quae non capaces sunt intelligendi.

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