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《灵界经历》 第1177节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1177

1177. About the gang in the inward heaven

In my head, around the region of the inward palate, I was seized as if by some spirit who had gotten such control of me that I plainly felt I could hardly think differently than he did in me, or speak differently, for he forced me into a state of mind like his own.

However, as long as there were others outside of my head, even though they occupied [only] the left side of the head or the region of the left temple, he had no such power. This shows that those on the outside were different from those within, having a different kind of control.

Now when I was hardly able to think differently than according to that spirit's control and state of mind, and hardly speak differently, although under compulsion, this was more obvious to others than to myself. Afterwards I heard that when a person is obsessed inwardly, he cannot help behaving and speaking according to the state of mind and the whim [of the spirit]. This went on, I think, for two hours or more.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1177


I was inwardly obsessed in the head around the region of the inner palate as if by a certain spirit who had such command over me that I could scarcely think other than that he was in me; I clearly perceived this, nor could I speak otherwise, for he reduced me to a state similar to his own. But as long as there were others outside the head, even though they occupied the left side or the region of the left temple, he did not have such power; it could therefore be manifest that those who were outside were different from those who were within, and also that their ruling was, as it were, different. Then I could hardly think anything other than according to the ruling and state of that spirit, nor scarcely speak otherwise although constrainedly, which could be better perceived by others than by myself. I heard afterwards that when a man is inwardly obsessed in this way, he cannot act and speak otherwise than according to the state and whim [of the obsessing spirit]. This experience continued, as I estimate, for two hours or more.

Experientiae Spirituales 1177 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1177. De turba in coelo interiore

Eram obsessus intus in capite, circa regionem palati interioris, quasi a quodam spiritu, qui imperium tale in me habebat, ut vix aliter cogitare potuerim, quam is in me, quod percepi manifeste, nec aliter loqui, nam redigebat me in statum similem sui. Quamdiu autem extra caput, tametsi tenebat 1

caput [ad] sinistrum, seu temporis sinistri regionem, non talis potestas erat, quare alii 2

fuisse constare potest, qui extra quam intra, et aliud quoque quasi regimen; cumque non possem vix aliter cogitare, quam secundum illius spiritus regimen et statum, nec fere aliter loqui, tametsi coacte, quod percipi potius ab aliis, quam a me potuit, postea audivi, quod dum homo intus ita obsidetur, quod tunc non possit aliter quam secundum ejus statum et nutum agere et loqui, hoc continuabatur, ut reor, per bihorium seu plus temporis.


1. The Manuscript has tenebant

2. sic manuscript; vide praefationem hujus editionis sub capite "Idiosyncrasies"

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