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《灵界经历》 第1252节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1252

1252. About a multitude of spirits concurring in one single action of a person on earth

It is remarkable that such a multitude of spirits work together [to produce] only a single action of a person on earth. They think no otherwise than that they are the person, and that it is they who are carrying out the action. For example, in only a single portrayal of my facial expression, I was shown how great a multitude there is. They spoke with me one after another, saying they thought it was their action. They also told what each one contributed, from the top of the forehead right down to the neck, differently from each other. For exactly as they were acting on it, my face was portrayed to me, and they spoke one after another with me, saying that they thought nothing else than that they were doing the action. But from so many, one display resulted, when yet so many spirits were working together.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1252


It is remarkable that so great a multitude of spirits concurs in one single action of man; these spirits suppose no otherwise than that they are the man, and that they are the ones who act, as was shown in a single representation of the appearance of my face. There was then shown to me how great a multitude there was, for the spirits spoke with me in order, and said that they supposed that they were doing it. It was also shown what each one contributed from the top of the forehead down to the neck, thus with variety; for in like manner as they were acting, so was my face represented to me, and they spoke with me in their order, saying that they thought nothing else than that they were the ones who were doing this. From so many spirits, however, there was only one representation, despite the fact that so many concurred in it.

Experientiae Spirituales 1252 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1252. De spirituum multitudine, quae concurrit ad unam solum actionem hominis

Mirabile est, quod tanta multitudo spirituum concurrat ad unam modo actionem hominis, qui nec aliter putant, quam quod ii homo sint, et ii agant, sicut ad unam modo repraesentationem, de apparentia faciei mei, tunc mihi ostensum quanta multitudo sit-ordine 1

enim mecum loquuti sunt, et dixerunt, quod ii putarent id agere-tum 2

quid unusquisque conferret a summa fronte ad collum usque, sic cum varietate, nam similiter ac ii agebant, mihi repraesentata est mea facies , et ordine loquebantur mecum, dicentes quod non putarent aliter ac ii agerent; sed ex tam multis usque una repraesentatio exstitit, cum tamen tot spiritus concurrerent.


1. The Manuscript has sit, ordine

2. The Manuscript has agere, tum

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