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《灵界经历》 第1315节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1315

1315. Angels sometimes speak with those in the deepest hell

I have heard angels speaking, through spirits, with those in the lowest hell, but this is done by means of spirits. And even though those who are there are at times let out of their prison for certain purposes, still there is such an abyss between hell and heaven, that they can never cross over. By the abyss [cf. Luke 16:26] is actually meant that it is utterly impossible for an infernal to come into a heavenly society, for they are completely repugnant to each other. 1748, 12 March.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1315


Through spirits I have heard angels speaking with those in the lowest hell, but by means of spirits. Although those who are there are sometimes let out of their prison-house for certain reasons, still there is such a gulf between hell and heaven that they can never pass over it, for by that gulf is meant that it is never possible for an infernal to enter into a heavenly society, as they are altogether repugnant to each other. 1748, Mar. 12.

Experientiae Spirituales 1315 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1315. Quod angeli loquantur quandoque cum iis in profundissimo inferno

Audivi angelos per spiritus, loquutos cum iis in infimo inferno, sed mediis spiritibus, et tametsi hi e carcere suo aliquando ob cerras causas emittuntur, usque talis gurges, est inter infernum et coelum, ut nusquam transcendere possint, sed per gurgitem [cf. Luc. 14:26] intelligitur, quod nusquam possibile sit, ut infernalis possit in coelestem societatem venire, nam sunt prorsus repugnantes. 1748, 12 Martius.

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