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《灵界经历》 第1336节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1336

1336. About one who had killed himself

Someone driven to despair by melancholy in his bodily life was pushed by devilish spirits to the point of killing himself by thrusting a knife into himself. He came to me, complaining that he was being treated miserably by evil spirits, and saying that he was in the midst of the furies who constantly provoked him. The place was seen where he was, namely, in the lower earth, a little to the left. I also saw that he had a knife in his hand and was trying to plunge it into his chest. He was struggling terribly with that knife, trying to cast it from him, but in vain.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1336


A certain one in the life of the body had committed suicide by stabbing himself with a knife, having been driven to desperation through melancholia, to which he had been driven by diabolical spirits. He came to me complaining that he was being miserably treated by evil spirits, and said that he was among the furies who were continually provoking him. The place where he was, was in the lower earth, a little to the left. He also seemed to me to have a knife in his hand which he wanted to drive into his breast; he labored hard with that knife, wanting to cast it away from him but in vain.

Experientiae Spirituales 1336 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1336. De quodam qui se necaverat

Quidam in vita corporis, ad desperationem per melancholiam adactus, eo adactus est a spiritibus diabolicis, ut se interemerit, et cultrum demisit in semet, is ad me pervenit, conquerens quod misere a spiritibus malis tractaretur, ajebat, quod inter furias esset, qui eum continuo lacesserent, et [visus] locus, ubi erat, nempe in inferiori terra, paulo ad sinistrum. Mihi quoque visus est, quod cultrum manu haberet, et eum immittere vellet in pectus, cum quo cultro valde laboravit, voluitque projicere a se, sed incassum.

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