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《灵界经历》 第1372节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1372

1372. Then at the same time, they are affected with a burning desire to roll themselves free. For this longing is usually breathed into those who are wrapped in veils, because this is their nature. They are then given the ability to unroll themselves lengthwise, to roll free just as someone wrapped in a cloth would do, by a number of revolutions, of course. Then they begin to unwrap themselves, but as they are unwinding, they go to a great length, and keep on unrolling, but can never roll out because the unrolling just goes on and on. So they still hope to be unrolled, because there had not been so much rolling up. Yet it still goes on, so that they can never roll free.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1372

1372. At the same time there is infused into them a desire or longing to free themselves from the roll, for those within the veil have such a longing, being for the most part puffed up [with pride], because such is their nature. Moreover, they are then given an opportunity to unroll themselves, which is done by unrolling themselves for a long time, as in the case of a man rolled up in a cloth wound around him several times, who then begins to unroll himself from it. As he is unrolled, he persists for a long time and continues to unroll himself but he can never do so, for the unrolling goes on all the more and continuously. Yet he still hopes that he may be unrolled, because there was not much enfolding; he still persists, but he cannot be unrolled.

Experientiae Spirituales 1372 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1372. Et simul inditur iis cupido seu ardor se inde evolvendi, nam talis ardor iis, qui in velis sunt, utplurimum [iis] insufflatur 1

, quia tales sunt; datur etiam iis tunc copia se evolvendi, quod fit in longum, se evolvendo, sicut cum involutus est homo panno, et quidem per aliquot circumvolutiones, et inde se evolvere incipiat, sed cum evolvitur, tunc in longum pergit, et continue se evolvit, sed nusquam potest evolvere, nam perstat evolutio multo magis et continue, sic ut speret usque quod evolutus sit, quia involutio non fuit tanta, sed usque perstat, sic ut evolvi nequeat.


1. in J.F.I. Tafel's edition insufflatus

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