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《灵界经历》 第1423节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1423

1423. And when I said to them that they should not change objects in this way, and thus conceal those things, because it is not sincere, they were unconcerned, so it was allowed to liken their actions to the color green, which means that they do not do this because of falsehood and deception, but because of some law among them. So they could at the same time be seen to be thus concealing [the objects]. It is deception and falsehood when people do such things out of wickedness; but when they do it because of the law, it is not falsity, because it is also in the open. They are inserting these words.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1423

1423. And when I told them that they ought not to change objects in this way, and so conceal these things, because it is not genuine, they did not care very much. Therefore it was given me to liken such things to the color green which is such [a representative]. They do not do this from falsity and guile but from a certain precept which they have, so that it could at once be observed that they had thus concealed things. It is guile and falsity when they do so from malice, but when they do it from precept it is not false, because this also is perceived. They have inserted these things.

Experientiae Spirituales 1423 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1423. Cumque iis dicerem, quod non debeant 1

ita objecta mutare, et sic celare 2

talia, quia id non est genuinum, id non ita curabant, quare assimilare dabatur talia colori viridi, qui talis est, non quod ex falsitate et dolo id faciant, sed ex lege quadam penes eos, sic ut simul appercipi possent, quod ita celarent; dolus et falsitas est, quando ex malitia ita faciunt, at quum ex lege, non est falsum, quia etiam percipitur: ii haec inserunt.


1. The Manuscript has debeat

2. The Manuscript has celere

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