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《灵界经历》 第1425节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1425

1425. Then when I portrayed to them the planets, because they had been unable to say from which earth they were, they said they know there are many earths, and know other matters pertaining to the planets' inhabitants, because they take pleasure in higher knowledge.

When I portrayed by a spiritual method the planets called Mercury and Venus, they directed my sight to the planet Venus, but I could sense that they were trying to conceal the fact that they were from the planet closest to the sun, where the likes of them are, who so enjoy higher knowledge. This I was given to realize from the proximity to the sun, namely, that they are the kind who make up together the inner sensations, together with the objects of the inner sensations, which are deeper knowledge.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1425

1425. When I represented the planets to them - because they could not say from what planet they came - they said that they know that there are many earths, and they know various things pertaining to the inhabitants of those earths, for they are delighted with cognitions. And when I represented in a spiritual manner the planets which are called Mercury and Venus, they directed my sight to the planet Venus, but I could perceive that they wanted to conceal [where they came from]. Thus I could perceive that they were from the planet nearest the sun, where such men are, and they are delighted with cognitions as I was also given to perceive from their proximity to the sun. It is they, in general, who constitute the internal senses, and thus the things which are of the internal senses, which are cognitions.

Experientiae Spirituales 1425 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1425. Cumque repraesentarem iis tellures, quia dicere non poterant ex qua tellure, se scire ajunt, quod plures tellures sint, et alia quae ad tellurum incolas pertinent, quia cognitionibus delectantur, cumque repraesentarem modo spirituali planetas qui vocantur Mercurius, et Venus, ducebant visionem ad planetam Veneris, sed percipere potui, quod vellent celare, et sic quod essent ex planeta proxima soli, ubi tales sunt, et cognitionibus ita delectantur, quod mihi quoque dabatur percipere ex proximitate ad solem: nempe quod tales sint, qui communiter, sensus internos constituunt, et sic ea quae sunt sensuum internorum, quae sunt cognitiones.

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