1444. It should be noted that in heaven a few are representative [of the whole], as if they were all, and a circle consisting of few as if they were the whole planet. Such representation exists in heaven because the individuals are images of the whole, as a few are of all.
1444. It is to be observed that in heaven a few may represent themselves as if they were all, and that some few from a globe represent, as it were, the whole planet. Such is the representation in heaven, for the individuals are images of the whole, as a few are images of all.
1444. Observandum est, quod in coelo repraesentent pauci, sicut essent omnes, et quod aliquis orbis ex paucis constans, sicut esset tota tellus, talis est repraesentatio in coelis, quia singuli sunt imagines totius, ut pauci omnium.