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《灵界经历》 第1469节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1469

1469. For those who take up truths from the Word of the Lord as premises, and then confirm them by philosophical material or arguments derived from nature, do not suffer any hardship provided they do not do so out of self-love. On the other hand, those who do so from their own ingenuity, assuming certain premises and from them trying to hatch out or support spiritual and heavenly truths, do suffer hardship.

But regarding those varieties of hardship, I am not permitted as yet to state anything definite, because I am in the company of heavenly beings, not spiritual ones. 1748, 17 March.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1469

1469. They who assume verities from the Word of the Lord as their theses, and thus confirm them by philosophical reasonings or by arguments sought from nature, do not suffer anything grievous, provided they have not done this from the love of self. Those, however, who do this from their own ingenuity, assuming fixed theses by which they want to hatch out or confirm spiritual and celestial verities, do suffer hardships, because this is an inverted way. But it is not allowed me as yet to determine anything further concerning these varieties, because I am in the company of the celestial, not in that of the spiritual. 1748, Mar. 17.

Experientiae Spirituales 1469 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1469. Qui enim veritates ex Verbo Domini pro thesi assumunt, et sic confirmant philosophicis, seu argumentis a natura petitis, ii non molesti quid patiuntur, modo id non ex amore sui; qui vero ex suomet ingenio, et quidem assumunt certas theses, et inde volunt veritates spirituales et coelestes excludere, seu confirmare, hoc quia est inversus modus, molestiam patiuntur; sed de varietatibus istis non licet adhuc aliquid determinare, quia in coelestium consortio sum, non in spiritualium. 1748, 17 Martius.

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