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《灵界经历》 第1558节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1558

1558. About the disbelief of Christians

In the presence of many spirits, and I think also of Mohamed, I thought to myself (which is a silent speaking, for my thought is speech) that it is amazing how few in the other life of those who are called Christians look for the Lord, while others who are followers and worshippers of men, even of devils, look for their own [gods] whom they had worshipped in life, and adore them there. This is evident from those who look for Mohamed, Abraham, Jacob, Moses, or for their idols.

But I received the reply that evil spirits and devils are aware of and feel whatever is Divine, turn away from it and hate it; not so, whatever is agreeable to them, or what is diabolical. Therefore in the life of the body and after the life of the body, they strive against whatever is Divine. This also is a quite clear indication that the Lord is God, and controls the Universe. 1748, 19 March.

[1558 1/2.] How the minds of the inhabitants of this solar system are in community

In general this emerges from everything that has been revealed about the inhabitants of this solar system, namely, that it is those of the planet Venus and of our planet who make up bodily elements and their passions, thus the earthly and lower worldly elements. They therefore control the outer senses.

[1558 1:3.] [It also emerges] that the spirits of the planet Jupiter relate to or make up rational mental imagery, for they live with no concern for anything pertaining to the bodily senses, which are, so to speak, like a soil in which inward properties, and in these very inward properties, are implanted. For without an inward rational mental imagery, inward and very inward properties are not implanted. There is a difference between this imagery and that which arises from the outer senses, namely, that the latter are prone to speaking.

[1558 1:4.] [It also emerges] that the spirits of the planet Saturn are the inward sense, or reason;

[1558 1:5.] and that the spirits of the planet Mercury are higher knowledge;

[1558 1:6.] and that the spirits of the planet Mars are thought.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1558


In the presence of many spirits, and, as I think, of Mahomed also, I was thinking with myself, that is, was tacitly saying to myself (:for my thought is a kind of speech:), how wonderful it is that in the other life so few of those who were called Christians inquire for the Lord, while others who were the votaries and worshippers of men, nay, of devils, seek out the objects of their earthly idolatry, and pay their homage even there; which is evident from the case of those who inquire for Mahomed, for Abraham, for Jacob, for Moses, or whoever else were the idols acknowledged. But I was informed in reply that evil spirits and devils have a perception and sensation of whatever is divine, regarding it with aversion and hatred, and consequently striving against it both in the life of the body, and after leaving the body, while in regard to what agrees with their dominant state or is diabolical, the case is quite the reverse, which, by the way, affords abundant evidence that the Lord is God and ruler of the universe. - 1748, March 19.


(This being in communion results from what has been revealed respecting the inhabitants of the earths of this system, namely, that those of the planet Venus and of our earth are such as constitute or represent corporeal things and the appetencies connected with them, thus also terrestrial and lower worldly things; consequently they are those who rule the external senses.

In like manner the spirits of the earth Jupiter represent rational ideas, for they live free from care, as it concerned those things that pertain to the bodily senses. They are, so to speak, a sort of ground in which things interior and inmost are sown, for without an interior rational idea those things which are still more interior and intimate are not inseminated. It is also a characteristic of ideas originating in the outward senses, that they prompt to vocal utterance.)

The spirits of the earth Saturn correspond to interior sense, or reason;

The spirits of the earth Mercury to knowledges;

The spirits of the earth Mars to thought.

Experientiae Spirituales 1558 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1558. De infidelitate Christianorum

In praesentia plurium spirituum, ac ut reor, etiam Mahumedis, mecum cogitavi, quod erat tacite loquens {a}, (nam cogitatio mea est loquela), quod mirum sit, tam paucos in altera vita quaerere Dominum, ex iis qui Christiani dicuntur, et tamen alii, qui sectatores et cultores sunt hominum, imo diabolorum, suos, quos coluerant in vita, quaerant, et ibi adorent, quod constat ex iis qui quaerunt Muhamedem, qui Abrahamum, Jacobum, Mosen, qui idola sua, sed responsum tuli, quod spiritus mali, et diaboli percipiant, et sentiant id, et aversentur, et odio habeant, quicquid Divinum est, non ita quod iis convenit, seu diabolicum, ideo in vita corporis, ac post vitam corporis, contranituntur; quod satis manifestum indicium quoque est, quod Dominus sit Deus, regens Universum. 1748, 19 Martius.

a h.e. loqui 1558a. Quomodo in hoc mundo incolarum animi sint in communi {a}

1558a. In communi id resultat ex iis quae de incolis tellurum hujus mundi revelata sint, nempe quod telluris Veneris, et nostrae telluris sint, qui corporea, et eorum appetitus, ita qui terrestria, tum quoque mundana inferiora constituunt, ita qui regunt sensus externos.

a paragraphi hujus articuli in ms. non numeratae sunt

1558b. Quod spiritus telluris Jovis referant seu constituant ideas rationales, nam absque cura eorum quae sunt sensuum corporis vivunt, sunt ut ita dicam, quasi humus, quibus interiora, et sic his intimiora inseminantur; nam absque idea interiori rationali, ea quae interiora adhuc sunt, et intimiora, non inseminantur; est differentia inter [illas et] ideas quae 1

oriuntur a sensibus externis, nempe quod [hae] loquaces sint.

1 ms. ideas, quae

1558c. Quod spiritus telluris Saturni sint sensus interior, seu ratio.

1558d. Quodque spiritus telluris Mercurii sint cognitiones.

1558e. Quodque spiritus telluris Martis sint cogitatio.

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