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《灵界经历》 第1560节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1560

1560. From all this it obviously follows that in us there can be nothing good, but that all good is of the Lord, and that we may not ascribe to ourself any goodness, still less any faith. This is part and parcel of faith, and because it is, it also comes as a gift. For when I think, also from my own power, that this is a gift of the Lord, and that it therefore must be left to the Lord to work goodness in me, even this is sin, because from my own effort.

Therefore, whichever way one turns, on one's own power, it is sin; so all good is of the Lord. But because this cannot be seen without a spiritual mental image apart from the body, I can understand that it is something incredible to people on earth, but I can nevertheless testify that it is the case. 1748, 20 March.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1560

1560. From this the conclusion evidently follows that there is nothing good in man, but all good is of the Lord, and that man cannot arrogate to himself aught of good, still less of faith; and yet that this itself is a point of faith, and when recognized as such the ability is in some measure granted; for when I thought from myself also that this was the Lord's gift, and that I was to leave it to Him to work good within me, [I saw] that this also was sin, because from myself. Wherefore whichever way man turns himself from [or of] himself there is sin; consequently all good is of the Lord. But inasmuch as this fact cannot be perceived except by a spiritual idea separated from the body, I can easily perceive how incredible it should appear to men. But that such is actually the case I can affirm in the strongest manner. - 1748, March 20.

Experientiae Spirituales 1560 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1560. Exinde evidenter fluit, quod nihil dari bonum in homine possit, sed omne bonum sit Domini, et quod homo nihil boni, minus fidei sibi arrogare possit; et quod hoc fidei sit, et quia hoc fidei, etiam hoc donetur, cum enim ex me quoque id cogitem, quod id donum sit Domini, quodque sic relinquendum Domino in me bonum operari, etiam hoc peccatum est quia a memet, quare quocunque se vertit homo ex se, peccatum est, quare omne bonum est Domini; sed hoc quia absque idea spirituali, separata a corpore, percipi nequit, scire possum, quod ut incredibile hominibus sit, sed quod usque ita se res habeat, contestari possum. 1748, 20 Martius.

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