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《灵界经历》 第1644节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1644

1644. The same ones who spoke with me from that very high place had sought out anything evil they could find against others. They eagerly looked for it, when yet those same persons, as I perceived, had been promiscuous. So I asked them why they only looked to find out the evils of others, why not instead the good things, so as to excuse the wrong things- which is the Lord's way.

They admitted the rightness of this, so we went on talking about those who only look for evils, and nothing of good, so as to seem superior to the others. They admitted to this motivation, but still were unable to behave differently, for they kept right on. 1748, 22 March.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1644

1644. Those who spoke with me from this exceeding high elevation, sought with avidity whatever of evil they could find against others, when yet, as I perceived, they themselves had been addicted to lasciviousness; wherefore I inquired of them why they were so intent upon discovering things of this kind and they did not seek to find out the good things [of others], and thus excuse their evils, as is the way of the Lord Himself. To this they assented. Whence the discourse fell upon those who seek out evils only, and nothing of good, that thus they may appear to be of superior worth to others. On this head also they acknowledged the truth to be as it was, and yet they could not act otherwise [as was evident], for they continued in the same conduct. - 1748, March 22.

Experientiae Spirituales 1644 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1644. Iidem qui mecum ex altissimo loquuti sunt, quaesiverunt contra alios, quicquid mali potuissent invenire, quod sollicite quaerebant, cum tamen iidem, sicut percepi, fuerant lascivi, quare eos interrogabam, cur modo talia quaerant, ut inveniant, cur non bona potius, sic ut excusent mala, quod Domini est; hoc ii fassi sunt, quare quoque sermo erat de iis, qui modo mala quaerunt, et nihil boni, ut sic quoque aliis majores videantur; hoc fassi quod ita esset, sed usque non potuerunt aliter agere, nam continuabant. 1748, 22 Martius.

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