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《灵界经历》 第1651节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1651

1651. Then they also spoke in a way that the face was not speaking at the same time, or going along with a responsive motion of the whole, as before, but that the face was at rest as far as I could tell, and now they were speaking in the brain, so that the brain was moving in a like manner. This sympathetic vibrating motion I could not feel so much, but it was a language of ideas even more uninterrupted, so as to be like one single continuous mental image consisting of many. Yet I could understand it.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1651

1651. They then spoke also in such a manner that the face did not speak at the same time, or did not concur by a corresponding motion throughout, as before, but the face remained to my observation quiescent, and then they spoke in my brain, so that the brain was moved in like manner [as the face had been], which motion or convibration, however, I could not so distinctly feel, but it was a speech by ideas still more continuous, so that from many there resulted one idea, thus continuous, and yet it was intelligible to me.

Experientiae Spirituales 1651 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1651. Tum quoque loquebantur, sic ut non facies simul loqueretur, seu concurreret convenienti motione per totum, ut prius, sed quod facies quiesceret ad sensum meum, et tunc loquebantur in cerebro, sic ut cerebrum similiter moveretur, quem motum seu quam comvibrationem, non ita sentire potui, sed erat loquela per ideas, adhuc magis continuas, sic ut ex pluribus quasi una idea sic continua esset, usque a me intelligibilis.

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