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《灵界经历》 第170节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 170

170. On the Punishment of pride, i.e. of trust in oneself 1

From actual experience I was allowed by God the Messiah's mercy to learn how self-trust is punished by the pain of dejection. There was deep grief, unceasing lamentation, accompanied by near despair of any salvation. But I did observe that in the midst of the grieving and lamenting, hope of salvation was constantly present, which softened the pain.

Otherwise, pride is also suppressed by a seemingly spontaneous submission, causing a person to desire nothing but lowly things - but this is a gift of God the Messiah. 1747, the 24th day of August (old calendar).

A continual compassion also attended me. I distinctly perceived at the time that an evil spirit was attacking, and that God the Messiah was ever assisting by inspiring hope of salvation.

About the life of man after death

After the death of the body, [a person's] life remains such as it developed during the life of the body. But knowledge and the like recede that were only instrumental to the person's development. It is the character itself that remains, which is the essence of a life. 2


1. Numbers 171-177 do not occur in the manuscript.

2. In the original this portion is emphasized by the word "Obs." written twice in the margin.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 170


By the mercy of God Messiah it was also granted me to learn by living experience how self-confidence was chastised by the suffering of dejection. It was an interior suffering with lamentation, almost with despair of all salvation; but it was nevertheless observed that always in the midst of the sufferings and lamentations there was continually present the hope of salvation, and this alleviated the suffering. In other ways pride is also brought low by an as it were spontaneous submission, which desires nothing but humble things; this, however, is a gift of God Messiah. 1747, Aug. 24, o.s.

It was also accompanied with continual commiseration. 1

I then sensibly perceived that an evil spirit induced the affliction, and that God Messiah continually inspired through the hope of salvation. 1



After the life of the body the life remains such as it has been formed during the life of the body. But knowledges and similar things, which were only instrumental means for the formation of the man, recede. The nature itself, which is the essence of life, is what remains.

1. In the margin: "obs."

Experientiae Spirituales 170 (original Latin 1748-1764)

170. De Punitione superbiae, h.e, fiduciae sui

Ab experientia viva etiam discere per misericordiam Dei Messiae, mihi datum est, quomodo fiducia sui per dolorem dejectionis castigaretur, erat dolor interior, planctus cum planctu, fere cum desperatione omnis salutis, sed observatum usque, quod semper in mediis doloribus et planctibus spes salutis continenter adesset, quae levaret dolorem alioquin etiam deprimitur fastus per submissionem quasi spontaneam, quod non nisi humilia desideret, quod tamen est donum Dei Messiae. 1747, d. 24 Aug. st. v. Comitabatur etiam continua miseratio, sensibiliter tunc percepi, quod malus spiritus affligeret; et quod Deus Messias per spem salutis jugiter aspiraret.

De vita hominis post mortem

Post vitam corporis manet vita qualis formata est in vita corporis, sed recedunt scientiae, et similia, quae fuerunt modo instrumentalia formationis hominis; ipsa indoles est quae manet, quae est essentia vitae. 1


1. paragraphus haec cum titulo deleta esse videtur in the Manuscript

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