1707. This makes it clear that whatever spirits appear to themselves to be, they derive from fixing their ideas on themselves and from thinking about the words they are speaking. Without this directing [of the thought] and this reflection, both a spirit and a person on earth appear to themselves as nothing. 1748, 26 March.
1707. Hence it may be inferred that whatever spirits may appear to themselves [to be or to possess], they have it from the determination of ideas in themselves; and from reflection upon the things which they say, and that without such determination neither spirit nor man appears to himself to be anything. - 1748, March 26.
1707. Exinde constare potest, quod quicquid spiritus sibi appareant, id habeant ex determinatione idearum in semet, et a reflexione super ea, quae loquuntur, et quod absque determinatione et reflexione spiritus, et homo sibi nihil appareat. 1748, 26 Martius.