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《灵界经历》 第1723节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1723

1723. These constitute the inward human membranes, which occupy much space, so there are accordingly many of them, or troops of them. These membranes are no different, and perform no other use than that of being passive forces that carry out whatever the active forces communicate.

These were believed to constitute the pleura that surrounds the thoracic chamber, penetrating through the pericardium to the lungs, and then extending across to the pharynx and the larynx, which is the organ of speech-as also are the lungs, which the pleura encircles and of which it forms the covering.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1723

1723. They constitute the interior membranes of man, which are spacious, and on this account there are such vast numbers or troops of them; for the membranes are not otherwise, or do not perform any other use, than to act as passive forces, and to do whatever the active forces impress upon them. Concerning these spirits, it is believed that they constitute the pleura which surrounds the chamber of the thorax, and insinuates itself through the pericardium into the regions of the lungs, and that they thus pass into the pharynx and larynx, which is an organ of speech, as are also the lungs that are encompassed by the pleura, and to which it constitutes the covering.

Experientiae Spirituales 1723 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1723. Ii constituunt membranas interiores hominis, quae spatiosae sunt, quare etiam multi tales, seu cohortes; nam membranae non aliter sunt, nec alium usum praestant, quam quod sint vires passivae, et agant id quod vires activae iis infundunt; de iis creditum est, quod constituerent pleuram, quae circumit cameram thoracis, et per pericardium insinuat se pulmonibus, et sic transeunt in pharyngem et laryngem, quae est organum loquelae, sicut etiam pulmones, quos pleura cingit, et quorum 1

constituit tegumentum.


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