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《灵界经历》 第1759节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1759

1759. Since such capabilities exist in the animate body that nothing fails to come to the attention of the animate soul, so that everything in general and the least components in particular are harmoniously arranged, how much more is this true of the grand human being, heaven, and everything dependent upon heaven, since the Lord is the life of all, and all the least parts are arranged as a most perfect human being! So it is the Lord Alone, because He Alone is life, and the all in all things, Who sees all and the very least things, and disposes and orders them so that all and the least things function according to laws. For on this depends the well-being of all people and the conservation of all things, in the universe. 1748, 28 March.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1759

1759. Since such things occur in the animal body, and there is nothing which does not come to the soul of the animal whence all things are conveniently disposed in general and in particular, what shall we not say of the Grand Man in heaven, and of those things which depend upon heaven, since the Lord is the life of all, and every particular is ordered as in the most perfect man. Wherefore the Lord is sole [and supreme], because He alone is life, and thus all in all, perceiving, disposing and ordering all and single things, so that they shall act according to [fixed] laws, upon which depends the well-being and conservation of all things in the universe. - 1748, March 28.

Experientiae Spirituales 1759 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1759. Quum talia 1

in corpore animali sunt, et nihil non ad animam animalis pervenit, et inde convenienter omnia in communi, et singula in particulari disponuntur, quid non in homine maximo, in coelo, et quae a coelo dependent, cum Dominus est vita omnium, et singula se habent sicut in perfectissimo homine! quare Solus est Dominus, quia Solus vita, et sic omne in omnibus, Qui omnia et singula percipit, et disponit, ac ordinat, ut omnia et singula secundum leges se habeant, inde enim salus omnium, et conservatio omnium in universo dependet. 1748, 28 Martius.


1. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has tale

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