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《灵界经历》 第1787节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1787

1787. How the life in the body is continued after death

There were some who had lived a promiscuous life in the body and who, being infected themselves, had also infected others with their own uncleanness and plague. These, I was able to guess, came to me not long after the death of their body, not knowing that they were in the other life, and I noticed that they were trying to live the same way here as they did in their bodies. Their bodily life had been one of entrapping wives and committing adultery without any conscience, thus whenever they were able to allure the wives of others into adultery, they would seek to do so. And now, not knowing that they were in the other life, they were trying to do the same thing.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1787


There were certain ones who had led a lascivious life in the body, and who being infected themselves, had infected others also with their contagion and pest. Some of them, as I had reason to suppose, came to me not long after their decease, and ignorant that they were now in another life. I observed that they wished to live here as they had done in their bodies. Their life in the body was to inveigle wives and commit adultery without conscience, enticing other men's wives into this crime whenever they could accomplish it, and desiring the same thing now, inasmuch as they knew not that they were in the other life.

Experientiae Spirituales 1787 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1787. Quomodo vita in corpore continuatur post mortem

Erant quidam, qui in corpore lascivam egerunt vitam, et qui quoque infecti erant, aliosque infecerunt contagione sua et lue, hi, ut autumare potui, non diu post mortem corporis eorum ad me venerunt, nesciebant enim quod in altera vita essent, et observabam, quod similiter hic vivere vellent, sicut in corporibus suis; vita eorum in corpore erat, quod insidiati sint uxoribus, et adulterium 1

absque conscientia, commiserint, sic ubicunque allicere uxores aliorum in adulterium [potuerunt] 2

, id conquisiverunt, et quia nesciebant se in altera vita esse, similem [vitam] cupiebant.


1. nisi cum in J.F.I. Tafel's edition legeris adulteria

2. sic in J.F.I. Tafel's edition

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