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《灵界经历》 第1852节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1852

1852. Spirits cannot tell otherwise than that they are people on earth

Apart from numerous other evidence, the truth of this statement is certain from the fact that a spirit who spoke with me bears witness that he did not know otherwise, whenever I did not think about the matter, but that he was myself. But my reflection within myself, made them aware that they were spirits, separate from a person.

In short, apart from such reflection, they do not know at all differently. And that reflection does not take place except with those who speak with spirits, and reply to them, [though] also with some others. Reflection does of course exist without a person speaking with spirits, but this is the Lord's doing. 1748, 6 April.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1852


Apart from numerous other proofs, the truth of the above proposition may be evinced beyond doubt from the fact that a spirit who spoke with me positively affirmed that he did not know otherwise than that he was I myself, especially when he did not reflect upon the subject; but my own reflections were that spirits did know themselves to be spirits separate from men. In a word, without reflection they know nothing else, nor is reflection given except with those who converse with them and give responses, and then converse with others also. Reflection is indeed given without the speech of man with spirits, but this is effected by the Lord. - 1748, April 6.

Experientiae Spirituales 1852 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1852. Quod spiritus non sciant aliter ac sint homo

Praeter ex plurimis aliis idem constare potest pro certo inde, quod spiritus, qui mecum loquutus, contestetur, se non aliter scire, quam quod esset ego 1

, quoties non reflectitur super id, sed reflexiones penes me fecerunt quod nossent se esse spiritus, separatos ab homine: verbo absque reflexione nihil aliud sciunt, nec datur reflexio nisi apud eos, qui cum iis loquuntur, et responsum dant, tum cum aliis; reflexio absque hominis loquela cum spiritibus quidem datur, sed hoc fit a Domino. 1748, 6 April.


1. The Manuscript has esset quod ego

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