1888. The kinds of language spirits speak
There are very many types of speech with spirits. The particular languages are countless, as many as there are spirits. Each one can be recognized by his speaking, just as people on earth. There are also many manners of speaking of each one, because they change according to spiritual states of mind, and states of the feelings.
There are very many species of the speech of spirits. The particular kinds are indefinite, as numerous as the spirits themselves. Every one, like men, may be recognized from his speech. The distinctive peculiarities of each one are in like manner multifarious, being changed according to spiritual states, and the states of the affections.
1888. Genera loquelae spirituum
Perplures sunt species loquelae spirituum: particulares loquelae sunt indefinitae, quot spiritus, quisque potest a sua loquela dignosci, sicut homines; individuae cujusvis similiter plures, quia mutantur secundum status spirituales, et status affectionum.