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《灵界经历》 第1957节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1957

1957. About the speech of spirits with Moses and the prophets

I talked with spirits about the speech [of spirits] with Moses, and they corroborated my idea that that speech had been only a simple speaking, and there was no inward thinking. For he was immersed in outer things, as others also among the Israelitish people, which is quite obvious from their writings and other indications. Inward matters were unknown to them, so because they were not stored in their memory as a general container, thus not inside of them, therefore there was nothing but the outside, which is only speaking, as well as visual imagery, which also pertain to outward things. No one is permitted to view inward matters, and then by means of thoughts of inward matters to communicate with spirits and angels, except those who have first been instructed by the Lord, and have faith in Him. 1748, 14 May.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1957


Conversing with spirits concerning the speech [held] with Moses, they assured me that it was merely a simple speech, and not an interior thought, for it was solely in externals, such as was enjoyed by others also in the Israelitish people, which is sufficiently evident from their writings, and other indications. Interior things were unknown to them, for not being in their memory as in a common vessel, they were not within; so that they had nothing but a mere external, and such accordingly was their speech, as also their vision, that is, purely imaginative, pertaining wholly to exteriors. It is permitted to no one to penetrate the interiors, and thus by thoughts of the interiors to communicate with spirits and angels, unless in the case of those who have been previously instructed by the Lord, and are in faith towards Him. - 1748, May 14.

Experientiae Spirituales 1957 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1957. De Loquela spirituum cum Mose et prophetis

Cum spiritibus loquutus sum de loquela cum Mose, qui cum me confirmarunt, quod loquela ista fuisset modo loquela simplex, nec cogitatio interior, nam solum in externis fuit, sicut alii quoque in populo Israelitico, quod satis etiam constat a scriptis eorum, et aliis indiciis, interiora iis incognita fuerunt, quare quia non in eorum memoria sicut in vase communi, [h.e.] non intus, ideo nihil aliud quam externum erat, ita solum loquela, ac praeterea visio, imaginativa, quae ad exteriora etiam pertinent: interiora nemini licet intueri, et sic per cogitationes interiorum communicare simul cum spiritibus et angelis, nisi [iis] qui a Domino prius instructi sint, ac in fide in Ipsum sunt. 1748, 14 Maj.

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