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《灵界经历》 第1959节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1959

1959. It is dangerous for heaven to be opened into any spirit,

even more, into a person on earth

There was a certain not evil, but serious spirit, who spoke with me, and I noticed that heaven was opened just a little into his inward parts, so that it would be observed what goodness was in him. He then began to wail, and to be tormented, begging that this condition might cease, for he could not stay in it on account of the distress.

This and other experience makes it clear how dangerous it would be if heaven were opened into someone not having faith. For the person would be tortured even to death by pangs of conscience. 1748, 14 May. [In the original two small circles appear here with crosshatched marks in them.]

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1959


(A certain not badly disposed but serious spirit spoke with me, and I perceived that heaven was opened a very little into his interiors, so that he could look in and see what of good there was there. He then began to lament and to be tormented, praying that his suffering might cease, as he could not remain in such a state on account of the anguish he experienced. From this and from certain other experiences, it may appear how dangerous it is for heaven to be opened to man, for be is liable to be tormented with remorse of conscience even unto death. - 1748, May 14.) O O 1


1. Dr. Tafel remarks that he has transposed Nos. 1960 and 1961, which he has indicated by the dotted circlets. This is evidently required by the connection.

Experientiae Spirituales 1959 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1959. Quod periculosum sit, ut aperiatur coelum in aliquem spiritum, magis in hominem

Quidam spiritus non malus, sed serius, qui mecum loquutus, et percepi, quod coelum aperiretur in ejus interiora modo parum, ut introspiceretur quid boni in eo, is tunc incepit lamentari, et torqueri, supplicans, ut hoc intermitteretur, nam nec morari potuisset prae anxietate, exinde tam ex alia quadam experientia constare potest, quam periculosum esset, si coelum aperiretur in hominem, qui non in fide, nam conscientiae morsu, usque ad mortem cruciaretur. 1748, 14 Maj. # #

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