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《灵界经历》 第1977节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1977

1977. Then when I inquired what punishment is in store for them, I was told that they are very severely punished, and they did not want to make their punishment known-only that it is very severe, to the point that it is entirely as if they are not alive, that is, do not know they are alive, thus to the point where they have forgotten those criminal and wicked acts. For under the guise of holiness, they mix things up, and under the guise of holiness blot out the universal and chief purposes pertaining to the procreation of the human race. This kind of mixing up cannot but result in serious punishment, and almost a blotting out of their spiritual life. They are not far from the Sodomites, I have been told. Let those beware, therefore, who discover such tendencies in themselves; for in the other life, they will not be spared. 1748, 16 May.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1977

1977. When I inquired as to the kind of punishment that awaited such, it was said that they were punished most severely, but the nature of the punishment they were unwilling to divulge, remarking only that it was excessively severe, being carried to a point at which they did not, as it were, live, that is, they were scarcely conscious of living, so completely had they forgotten the perpetration of such vile acts and abominations. For under the guise of sanctity they work confusion, and with the same pretence extinguish universal and principal ends, which are those of the procreation of the human race. From such confusion a grievous punishment cannot but result, and the extinction, as it were, of their spiritual life; indeed, it was said to me that they were not far from being Sodomites, wherefore let those who are conscious to themselves of such a course of life beware, for they are not spared in the other life. - 1748, May 16.

Experientiae Spirituales 1977 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1977. Cumque inquirerem, qualis eos poena manet, dicebatur, quod severissime puniantur, nec voluerunt mihi poenam eorum propalare, solum quod severissime, usque dum prorsus quasi non vivant, hoc est, [non] sciant se vivere, sic usque dum obliti sint talium facinorum, et nefandorum; nam sub sanctitatis specie confusionem faciunt, et exstinguunt sub sanctitatis specie fines universales et praecipuos, qui sunt procreationis generis humani, ex confusione tali non potest nisi gravis poena resultare, et exstinctio quasi vitae eorum spiritualis, nec absunt a Sodomitis, ut mihi dictum est; ideo caveant, qui secum talia norunt, nam iis in altera vita non parcitur. 1748, 16 Maj.

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