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《灵界经历》 第1988节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1988

1988. The subject of inner sight was also discussed with them, which in those who have true faith is so clear that they not only acknowledge that they think, and are able to think, nothing by their own power, nor to will, and thus to carry out anything, for action by all means follows the will; but they also sense inwardly that every least thing is by the Lord's power, and they are constantly kept in that thought.

Therefore, at the Lord's good pleasure, they even perceive what is within a given thought, where it comes from, and from which spirits - and sometimes, what they are like, and what their thoughts are, what they are saying or thinking among themselves, what their different feelings are, what influences of angels are present, among many other points.

For [those who have true faith] are just like spirits in the other life, as spirits have very often declared about myself, unaware that I was in the body. 1748, 18 May.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1988

1988. I conversed with them concerning perception, [from which it appeared] that to those who are in true faith it is such that they not only acknowledge that they neither do nor can think of themselves, nor are disposed to: consequently neither to act [from themselves]; for action follows entirely the will, but also they perceive that each single thing is from the Lord, for they are continually held in that thought, wherefore according to the Lord's good pleasure they perceive what is in any thought, whence it is, from what spirits, of what quality they are when it is suggested, what are their cogitations, what they speak or think with each other, what are their affections with their varieties, what the influxes of the angels, besides innumerable other things; for they are altogether like spirits in the other life, which the spirits often confessed concerning me, not knowing that I was in the body. - 1748, May 18.

Experientiae Spirituales 1988 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1988. Cum iis loquutum est quoque de perceptione, quod talis sit iis qui in vera fide, quod non solum agnoscant, quod nihil ex se cogitent ac cogitare possint, nec velle, proinde non agere, nam actio sequitur prorsus voluntatem, sed etiam quod percipiant, quod singula ex Domino, nam in ea cogitatione continue tenentur, quare etiam secundum beneplacitum Domini, percipiunt, quid in cogitatione, undenam, et a quibus spiritibus, quales sint, quandoque, et quae eorum cogitata, quid inter se loquuntur aut cogitant, quales eorum affectiones, cum differentiis, qui angelorum influxus, praeter innumera; nam sunt prorsus sicut spiritus, in altera vita, quod saepius de me fassi spiritus, nescientes quod in corpore essem. 1748, 18 Maj.

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