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《灵界经历》 第1991节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1991

1991. I might only mention the first blessedness of certain souls, some who in their innocence and simplicity had delighted in lovely gardens, groves, and such, where there was nothing lascivious to take hold of their minds. These in the other life seem to themselves to stroll in such lovely places, and to enjoy them together with many companions. From this conclusions could be drawn about other delights, but this is the first delight of the blessed, which has within it countless deeper ones. 1748, 18 May.

Later, different enjoyments follow, thus one after an-other, and step by step.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1991

1991. Just to mention the simplest forms of the blessedness of certain souls, I may remark that some who in their innocence and simplicity have delighted in pleasant gardens, groves, and the like, where there was nothing lascivious to occupy their minds, those in the other life seem to themselves to walk in similar pleasant scenes, and to enjoy exquisite delight in connection with numerous associates. From these things a conclusion may be drawn as to others, but this is the first degree of the delight of the blessed, which contains within itself innumerable interior delights. - 1748, May 18. Other enjoyments succeed afterwards, thus in order and through degrees.

Experientiae Spirituales 1991 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1991. Ut solum quarundam animarum primam beatitudinem memorem, quod quidam, qui in innocentia sua et simplicitate delectati sint amaenis hortis, lucis et similibus, ubi nihil lascivi, quae occuparunt mentes eorum, ii in altera vita, in talibus amaenis videntur sibi ambulare, et cum multis sociis delectari; ex iis de aliis potest concludi, sed hoc est prima delectatio beatorum, quae in se habet indefinitas 1

interiores. 1748, 18 Maj. Postea subeunt aliae jucunditates 2

, sic ordine et per gradus.


1. The Manuscript has indefinatas

2. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has fucunditas

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