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《灵界经历》 第2018节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2018

2018. It is a practice most familiar to him, as it is to evil spirits also, to constantly persecute believers, or constantly to accuse, blaspheme, and do them wrongs, so far as it is permitted. Yet the believers never do him any harm. He complains, as he has just now done, at being so under attack by those having true faith. But he was told in reply that they never attack him, while he, on the other hand, attacks and accuses them at every moment. On this he is ruminating, not knowing what to say, because he acknowledges it. So he is the cause of his own harm. 1748, 20 May.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2018

2018. It is a matter of most familiar habit with him, as also with evil spirits, continually to persecute the faithful, or continually to accuse, blaspheme, and injure them, as far as it is permitted, while the faithful on the other hand never injure him. He often makes complaint, as he has just now, that he is so infested by those who are in true faith; but it is answered that they never infest him, but that, on the contrary, he infests and impugns them every moment; upon which he ruminates, not knowing what to say, as he acknowledges the fact. Thus he is the self-procuring cause of his own harm. - 1748, May 20.

Experientiae Spirituales 2018 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2018. Id familiarissimum ei est, sicut quoque malis spiritibus, quod continue persequantur fideles, seu continue eos impugnent, blasphement, et injurias iis faciant, quantum permittitur, fideles vero nusquam eum laedunt; queritur, sicut nunc questus est, quod ita infestaretur ab iis qui in fide vera sunt, cui responsum datum, quod iis nusquam eum infestant, sed is contra, quovis momento infestat et impugnat, super quo ruminatur, ac nescit quid dicat, quia agnoscit; sic is in causa sui damni est. 1748, 20 Maj.

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