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《灵界经历》 第2020节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2020

2020. The Lord governs all and the least things

I spoke with evil spirits, all of whom want to claim to themselves the government of all and the least things, and then I saw around me countless spirits who were all contributing something to the thoughts and to chains of thoughts.

The thoughts were, however, as usual, in connected series, and I realized by a spiritual mental image that since there were so many spirits, beyond number, who are all coming together to form a series of thoughts, it cannot be otherwise than that there be one governing all of them, arranging them into series. And others who constantly disagree and resist, must harmonize, so that any number of resistant spirits would still not impede the process. Unless there were one, Who is the Lord, because our faith is in Him, there could be no thought at all, but instead, out of so many different spirits, even beyond number, would arise commotion, chaos and nothingness.

They could not help admitting the same, because they were enabled to see it by a spiritual mental image. Hence they may know that the Lord governs all things, both general and most particular, and that without His government, the whole would collapse.

Those who were claiming that government to themselves, because they were opposed to each other, retorted that they were able to rule. I replied by asking, who is it that governs them who number legions of legions, all against one another? - for they are all dominated by hatred, because by the love of self. 1748, 21 May.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2020


While speaking with evil spirits, who would fain arrogate to themselves the rule of all and singular things, I perceived around me innumerable spirits, who all contributed somewhat to the train of thoughts, which, as usual, were connected in a series. I then perceived that while there were such vast numbers all concurring to the train and connected series of thoughts, it could not be otherwise than that one should govern all, and dispose them into series, and that others, who continually dissented and opposed, ought to agree, so that so many repugnances may not exist to create impediments; so that, unless there were one [supreme ruler], who is the Lord, because the great object of faith, nothing whatever could be thought; but from so many, and even countless diversities, nothing but utter confusion and chaos would exist; and this they could not do otherwise than acknowledge, because it was given them to perceive it by a spiritual idea. Hence it may be known that the Lord rules all things, both general and most special, and that without His control the whole system would collapse. Those who arrogated to themselves the rule, inasmuch as one was opposed to another, [were challenged on this score,] but they retorted that they were competent to do it. It was replied [by asking] who could rule them, consisting, as they did, of legions of legions, and mutually contrary to each, inasmuch as hatred rules all, for the love of self is predominant. - 1748 May 21.

Experientiae Spirituales 2020 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2020. Quod Dominus regat omnia et singula

Cum spiritibus malis loquutus, qui sibi volunt omnes vindicare regimen omnium et singulorum, et tunc percepi circum me innumeros spiritus, qui omnes aliquid contribuebant ad cogitationes et earum series, quae tamen erant, sicut solitae 1

, in serie et in nexu, tunc idea spirituali percipiebam, cum tot ac innumeri essent, qui omnes concurrunt ad cogitationes, et eae in serie sunt, quod non aliter esse possit, quam quod unus regeret omnes, et disponeret in series, ac caeteri, qui dissentiunt continue, et repugnant, concordare debeant, sic ut tot repugnantiae usque nihil impedirent, et nisi unus, Qui est Dominus, quia in Ipsum est fides, quod nihil usquam cogitari potuisset, sed ex tam permultis imo innumeris 2

variis, turba, chaos, et nihil existeret; quod ii non aliter quam agnoscere potuerunt, quia idem idea spirituali videre dabatur; inde sciri potest, quod Dominus regat omnia tam communia, quam singularissima, et absque Ipsius regimine, totum caderet; qui sibi vindicabant regimen, quia unus alteri oppositus, regerebant, quod ii possent; responsum, quis eos regit, qui legionum legiones sunt, sibi mutuo contrariae? nam odium regit omnes, quia amor sui. 1748, 21 Maj.


1. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has erat...solita

2. The Manuscript has inmeris

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