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《灵界经历》 第2022节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2022

2022. This is further corroborated by the spirit of prophesy in the symbolic Church, which was granted to anyone it pleased the Lord to give it-as by the spirit of Moses to the 70 elders who prophesied [Num. 11:25], as Saul also prophesied [1 Sam. 10:10, 19:24]. This prophetical spirit was nothing else but a speaking and acting in words and manners unfamiliar to them, that were outward gestures, but symbolized inner matters. So it is now, if it pleases the Lord, a like spirit can be granted, one which contemplates inward matters, because at this day people have more higher knowledge and a faith comprised of truths. For the human being is a spirit. It is only the bodily elements in which spiritual ones have become entangled, that stand in the way, and when these have been mortified, or separated, then the remnants of spiritual elements can be enlivened. 1748, 20 May.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2022

2022. Additional confirmation was afforded by the fact of the prophetic spirit in the representative church, which spirit was given to whomsoever it seemed good to the lord, thus to the seventy elders by the spirit of Moses who prophesied, as did also Saul; which prophetic spirit was no other than an influence prompting them to speak and act by words and ways that were unknown to them, the things [said and done] being external, but signifying what was internal. So, if it pleased the Lord, a similar spirit could now be given, and one intuitively penetrating interior things, inasmuch as at this day men are more in knowledges, and in the faith of verities, only there are certain corporeal things by which spiritual actings are embarrassed and hindered, upon the death or separation of which the remains of spiritual things may be excited. 1748, May 21.

Experientiae Spirituales 2022 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2022. Confirmabatur adhuc per spiritum propheticum in Ecclesia repraesentativa, qui dabatur, cuicunque Domino beneplacuit, ita 70 senioribus a spiritu Mosis, qui prophetabant [Num. XI: 25], ita Saul prophetabat [I Sam. X: 10,XIX: 24], qui spiritus propheticus non alius erat, quam ut sub ignotis iis verbis et 1

modis loquerentur et agerent, quae externa erant, sed significabant interna, ita nunc, si Domino beneplacet, dari similiter potest spiritus, et quidem intuens interiora, quia hodie in cognitionibus magis sunt, et in fide veritatum, nam homo est spiritus, sunt modo corporea, quibus spiritualia irretita sunt, quae impediunt, quibus mortificatis, seu separatis, spiritualium reliquiae sic excitari possunt. 1748, 20 Maj.


1. The Manuscript has verbis, et

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