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《灵界经历》 第2024节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2024

2024. 1How the Passions of spirits are moderated

A certain spirit had an almost burning desire to possess something, yet he did not pass into my consciousness as spirits normally do, but appeared to my inner sight as a somewhat inflamed aura, which was the field of desire in which he was being held.

At the time, he did not appear to me otherwise than as something very tiny, floating, so to speak, in that field. He was encompassed by the field of desire, and in that condition he was lamenting and saying it was extremely painful not to obtain what he wanted.

When I thought he was about to perish, a different, finer aura came in from the Lord, which was an aura of uses. This lessened his pain, and he declared that he had received comfort in the degree that rays from that field of uses were entering. In this way he was taught that he should not long for anything except for a use, and that it is use that ought to arouse one's feeling.


1. A paragraph 2023 does not appear in the original.

[2025.] 1Moreover, the desires of some to possess things without regard to use, which they proceed to defend by fabricating uses, have also been communicated to me. This is common with women, and I was speaking with some about the matter. 1748, 20 May.

1. This number does not appear in the original text, but in the index under Cupiditas, Sphaera and usus, 2024 and 2025 are referred to.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2024


A certain spirit was in the cupidity of having something; indeed, he burnt, as it were, with the desire, but his state did not penetrate to my perception, as I experienced at other times; but it was exhibited to the internal sight. There appeared, as it were, a sphere somewhat inflamed, which was the sphere of the cupidity wherein he was held; nor did he then appear to me otherwise than as a very diminutive something, floating about, as it were, in that sphere, the sphere of cupidities being circumfused around him. He in that state lamented, saying that he was in extreme pain from not obtaining what he longed for. It seemed to me that he would perish; but just at that time another more subtle sphere entered from the Lord, which was a sphere of uses, whereupon his pain was mitigated, which he confessed, [saying] that he could receive consolation, and that in the degree in which the rays of the sphere of use extend. He was thus instructed that nothing should be covetously desired except from use, and that use ought to excite affection.


1. Number 2023 is wanting in the original.

Experientiae Spirituales 2024 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2024. Quomodo temperantur Passiones spirituum


Quidam spiritus erat in cupiditate aliquid habendi, qua quasi ardebat, sed non ita penetrabat ad perceptionem meam, sicut alioquin, sed ad visum internum; apparebat sicut sphaera aliquantum accensa, quae erat sphaera cupiditatis, in qua is tenebatur, nec mihi tunc apparebat aliter quam exiguissimum quid in sphaera ista quasi natans, erat sphaera cupiditatis circumfusa, is in eo statu lamentabatur, quod summo dolore esset, quod non nancisceretur id quod cuperet, putabam eum periturum, tunc sphaera alia subtilior intrabat a Domino, quae erat sphaera usuum, inde ejus dolor mitigabatur, quod is fassus, quod consolationem acciperet, et sic in gradum quo radii sphaerae usuum intrabant 2

, ita doctus quod nihil concupisci debeat nisi ex usu, et quod usus affectionem excitare oporteat.


1. 2023 deest

2. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has intrabat

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